Planes, Trains, and Automobiles


What A Horrible Night To Have A Curse
Jun 5, 2002
Kandarian Ruins
What is your preferred method of travel?

Personally I fucking hate flying, shit just doesn't make sense and the whole complete lack of control freaks me out. But trains kick ass, and driving 140mph in my own vehicle is obviously the best route to take because I have tons of Kyuss and a blasting cold A/C.

Oh yeah, I'm heading to NYC in late August due to rabid prompting by a certain RC board member (or two), come drink beer with me. :kickass:
One Inch Man said:
What is your preferred method of travel?

Personally I fucking hate flying, shit just doesn't make sense and the whole complete lack of control freaks me out. But trains kick ass, and driving 140mph in my own vehicle is obviously the best route to take because I have tons of Kyuss and a blasting cold A/C.

Oh yeah, I'm heading to NYC in late August due to rabid prompting by a certain RC board member (or two), come drink beer with me. :kickass:

oh fuck ... he's BAAAAACK! :lol: ...

oh yeah, cars for me also ... although I do like flying, even took flying lessons once.
Id rather take the Train or drive if Im going somewhere within say, a 12 hour radius. I dont understand people who fly from D.C. to New York, its barely an hour long flight, and you spend more time in the damn airport setting things up, than actually in the air. I dont mind flying though, its just annoying, especially with all the new security precautions. They must think im a terrorist from my apperance, everytime I go through a checkpoint now my bag is "randomly searched.:
I prefer to ride a hot blonde where ever I'm going. However, my wife really frowns on that sort of shit.

It all comes down to distance. Less than 10 hours by car, than I'll drive. My own pace, my own music, complete control. I can't really compare planes to trains. I would never take a train for any long distance. Their fine from going Jersey to NYC, but beyond that, they don't factor into my travel plans. Planes are a necessary evil. I don't much care for them, but with the right amount of Xanax, they're tollerable.

En Vind Av Sorg said:
They must think im a terrorist from my apperance, everytime I go through a checkpoint now my bag is "randomly searched.:

so true. have long hair and drive a beater like me, and you know you are going to be one of the "random" stops at our airport's security checks. blacks and hispanics think they're the only victims of profiling but we get it too.
I vaguely remember reading about a haunted train excursion, but maybe I'm making that up in my head as I stare at that picture.
cthulufhtagn said:
yar that's different, people use BART in the bay area too, but when was the last time you took a train from LA to SF? :err:
Last week! [/PWNZ)RED] [/lying]
If affordable, plane (even though the only part I enjoy is the take-off/ landing, the flight itself is rather boring). But I usually end up sitting on a Eurolines bus, which is quite nice once you've learnt to enjoy staring at trucks and road lines for >10hrs while listening to good music and ignoring the smell of your neighbour's cheese sandwiches. :cool: