Planning for the future

Lord Foul

I don't spank men
Mar 9, 2004
Sunnyvale, CA
Disclaimer: I apologize in advance if this post isn't interesting or funny. I could have posted it in a different forum but I find I only read this board anymore, and though the quality of threads has been at a low point lately, I'd rather try and contribute something worthwhile than complain. If this sort of thing isn't your bag, skip it.

To what extent do you feel it is worthwhile to plan for the future, seeing as how the future is at once an absolute certainty (the future is going to come, with or without you) and highly unpredictable (what shape that future will take is uncertain). Do you live life as if there will be no tomorrow, plan your future carefully, or seek a balance between the two. How do you apply this philosophy in your financial and life planning?
I've always been a chronic worrier but in the past two years its gotten really bad. I find I'm always thinking about the future and have a stress rush 24/7.

I quit smoking weed about 6 days ago and find I'm doing a little better, so now I try to avoid thinking about the future completly.
I don't plan too far into the future. I have goals, yes, but I can handle anything (relatively) that's thrown my way. I'm flexible. Then again, my life, as of now, is school and work, so there's not really much room for other stuff to plan for. heh. it's all planned for me.

rather depressing.
I think i'm too young to really plan for my future. I have no idea what i want to do in college, much less my life after it. Hell im not even going to plan my weekend until one or two hours before whatever i do.
i sweat out little insignificant details big time.
things in my future are that i worry about are having to go to work tomorrow and friday. so i worry about having to see my boss or something i'll do to fuck everything up. or i'm thinking that i'm not going to finish the readin log for Richard the 3rd for my Shakespeare clas in time, resulting in a bad grade for the class.

things i look forward to are borrowing a bunch of horror movies from one of my manager's friends since we were talking about movies the other day and totally hit it off. i'll spend the entire week anticipating little things like this. maybe it's just the way my brain works - i usually can't get the larger view of things and get too caught up/confused by the little details of things. it's how i learn (or don't learn. because i don't really learn.)

maybe it's because i'll be 18 in a few days and i'm just doing that whole "reflecting on my life" thing that people usually do. but little things can make me ecstatically happy or suicidal. i so rarely ever comprehend the big picture of things like just how much my parents are going to have to pay for me to go to college.

i guess more than anything i should just consider myself lucky that these trivial little details are all i really have to worry about since all the big things in my life like shelter, food, and school are taken care of.

Its actually an excellent topic!

Nice reading what everyone thinks about that!

I do plan for the future, to some extent... I don't plan the time and date I'll
get married and have 3 kids and a house in the suburbs, and die happily ever after, but I do plan "in the short term" to have my degree soon, and get a good job, and see where life will take me.
i do put money aside too, i guess you can call it "planning for the future"
and I do insure my dog and myself... does that count? :tickled:

no really... I pretty much have an idea where I'll be in 3 years, but no way
I would be able to tell you where I'll be in 5.
Life's too dynamic and I always find myself surprised by the outcome.