Plans for a USA tour in 2004? How about it?

if they dont come to france ill send an email to the french mailing list and say anathema dont give a flying fuck about french scum.
they should generally do some nice festivals next year, that would be cool. i remember seeing them @ dynamo 99 when i was just getting into the music. so i didn't know lyrics and most of the songs, but i remember it was still one of the best gigs there. they even covered something by metallica, anyone knows which song? does anyone even have a bootleg of that date?
i don't remember the details, but yes, orion might be; deffo something from the older albums. i think metallica headlined the next day and they wanted to be on the sure side crowd-wise :)
Strangelight said:
They opened with Orion if I remember rightly. Was a good gig that, except for the bassplayer
I scared him once. I saw him walking around at the Milwuakee Metalfest in 2000 and I jumped up behind him and acted as though I was going to assault him, then I jokingly asked for his autograph. He looked like he shit himself. If only I had a camera. I did the same thing to Ade from My Dying Bride once as well. I guess I like scaring English bass players or something.
MoonsOfJupiter said:
The Metalfest kicked ass that year: Opeth, Anathema, Katatonia,King Diamond, Children of Bodom,etc.,etc.etc.... That sure as hell was worth the 13 hour car ride my friends and I made.
I almost got killed on my 13 hour car ride home though. On the damn highway one of my friends, who was driving, decided to fall asleep at the wheel and started drifting towards the other lane at about 70 mph. If not for my ninja-like reflexes we'd all be dead.

Hey, is the term "ninja" really banned in England? That's fucking stupid.