Any plans for this band to come to the USA?

I would certainly hope so.... seeing how we live in the USA! :D

Actually... we don't live to far from you either, we are up north in Utah. We've been looking into making a trip down to Arizona in the future if a good offer comes our way. :Spin:

Your screen name seems familiar... what other places do you post at here on the UM?

dammit... I'm a jackass :D

Sorry John, disregard my previous reply, I was operating on
one cup of coffee and had only been awake for an hour and was attempting to reply quickly before the boss walked in the door... it didn't click who you where and why your screen name seemed so familiar until I got home. o_O

Welcome to our forum man! How are things in the Vehemence camp these days?

Its cool, I only heard the music without viewing the website, now I know. Vehemence camp is working on the new album for right now, should be more advanced that God Was Created, and with a realsitic lyric format.

We look forward to playing Utah and pissing off some mormons. Yeha man, there are Metal Fests sometimes and some shows you guys can hop on to. Ill et ya know.
The Jesterman said:
I saw Vehemence back in February in Dallas with Nuclear Assault, twas quite a night. I remember moshing with Danny Lilker and having drinks with the NA guys in the bar before the show.
You were moshing with "lanky" Lilker? I would have loved to seen that! :lol:


Oh ok I remember that show, it was a gloomy day that day. I had control of the PA that night, I played some Therion and Bloodbath, plus some old Ill Disposed, what were you doing down there?
Old Therion or "Epic" Therion? :D
That Bloodbath album is damn good, Dan Swano is a man of many talents... and bands! o_O
