Plans for Thanksgiving?


Be still, O wand'rer!
Apr 26, 2002
For those in the USA, what are your plans for Thanksgiving? We'll be heading off to MA tomorrow so I'll be out of town for the week visiting the in-laws. You guys off to see family or staying in?

In any case, if I'm not back on-line for a few days, have a happy thanksgiving. :)
Family thing or two and maybe record a demo over the weekend, try to get up to the snow sometime too.

Aye, Happy Thanksgiving to those that celebrate it. If not, we're giving you just one more reason to laugh at foolish American gluttony. :D
I wonder if they celebrate the genocide and subordination of indeginous peoples in Australia? -_-

In all seriousness, any excuse to eat a big fat turkey sounds good to me :)
Staying in.

Last Thanksgiving, we made the mistake of spending it with our very Christian relatives. Being there wasn't the problem, being there with no television was. They do not, nor will they ever own a television. I had to miss the game, not that I'm that big on football. But it would have been nice to at least have some background noise over the immense amount of silence that seemed to lurk in that house.
Nightmarez said:
Being there wasn't the problem, being there with no television was.
Definite Family Party Foul. It doesn't matter if anyone is watching, but during family gatherings a TV should be on at all times to fill any inevitable voids in sound.
NAD said:
Definite Family Party Foul. It doesn't matter if anyone is watching, but during family gatherings a TV should be on at all times to fill any inevitable voids in sound.
Couldn't have said it better myself. -_-
On the other hand, we did have a rousing game of Christian Trivial Pursuit. Bah, but I fell for the ol' "How many of each animals did Moses take on the ark?".

The Lions didn't lose either, you should have more faith in your team, bloodfiredeath... :)
Papa's Thanksgiving Tale from Montgomery County Jail

I'll tell you what wasn't in my "plans for Thanksgiving," and that's going to jail.

Montgomery County is a smaller county in the Houston area, well, at least smaller than Harris County... anyways, these guys don't get as much action, as my arrest could attest. I was pulled over and arrested for driving with a suspended license. Keep in mind that I am stone cold sober, not causing harm to anyone. Never mind that I dive better than 95% of the Houston population who are licensed. Never mind that H.P.D. has pulled me over, with the same results, and let me go home. Nevermind that this dick handcuffed me in front of 2 year old daughter. :mad: :mad:

It was Thanksgiving, he didn't care, my wife is crying, begging him to just let her drive. My child is crying daddy.... apparently, my cousin, a former constable for the county himself, has been stopped by this jackoff waste of spooge, too. I spent 3pm Thanksgiving afternoon until 3pm today (Fri.) in custody. Now I have to go back to court in the new year, motherfuck!!

Holy fuck! Goddamn pigs with nothing better to do than to fill a quota. What the fuck were the handcuffs for? You're not resisting him, you've got the wife and 2 year old with you - just unbelievable.

In fact, why did he pull you over in the first place? What reason did he give?