So Who's Celebrating Thanksgiving with Blind Guardian?

Michael TEOF

Master Whorebot
Mar 4, 2002
Schaumburg, IL
Why oh why did Blind Guardian pick Thanksgiving for their Chicago date? It works for me, because Thanksgiving day is the only day I will have off that week... but to ditch your family for Blind Guardian. I could, but I'm sure my family would be none too happy lol.

I'll probably buy a ticket. I have nobody to go with though. I have friends from the web that I could meet up with there I guess. But nobody I know is going to skip out on Thanksgiving to see Blind Guardian.

Anyone from this board going?

The Michael
I always leave Thanxgiving early to go out(when I'm with family)
What are you going to do at home
watch warm and fuzzy family geared programing?
They took the big Monkey trilogy off the air(Mighty Joe Young,King Kong,Son of Kong)
Catch the end of a potentially horrible Cowboys Bucs game
Watch a sleep inducing Chiefs/Broncos game
but don't pass out this time(tryptophan in turkey is sleep inducing)
Actually, we're celebrating Thanksgiving with the guys from Gamma Ray. However, my wife isn't thrilled about having them over again. Last Thanksgiving, Kai got hammered on Apple-Tinis and threw a turkey leg at my grandfather. In fairness to Kai, my grandfather was asking for it. He kept going on and on about Gamma Ray hadn't put out a worthwhile CD since "Land of the Free".

General Zod said:
Actually, we're celebrating Thanksgiving with the guys from Gamma Ray. However, my wife isn't thrilled about having them over again. Last Thanksgiving, Kai got hammered on Apple-Tinis and threw a turkey leg at my grandfather.


I smell a sitcom!!

The Michael
General Zod said:
Actually, we're celebrating Thanksgiving with the guys from Gamma Ray. However, my wife isn't thrilled about having them over again. Last Thanksgiving, Kai got hammered on Apple-Tinis and threw a turkey leg at my grandfather. In fairness to Kai, my grandfather was asking for it. He kept going on and on about Gamma Ray hadn't put out a worthwhile CD since "Land of the Free".

:lol: :lol: that was Hilarious
Yippee and I are still on the fence about this. If it were later in the evening, it would actually be easier but I think doors open at 5:00 or 6:00.

We host Thanksgiving which actually makes it easier as we can make sure the dinner is on the table at noon.

It's Blind Guardian! It's tough to consider not going.
We're going to be in Rockton for Thanksgiving, which is significantly closer than home!

I considered it seriously, but my husband didn't really think it was a great idea. This is where I also mention it's HIS family we're spending Thanksgiving with. So it doesn't look like we're going...

... but I am thinking about getting tickets to see King Tut for that weekend!

To me, who has only been experiencing Thanksgiving since 2000, I can say that I would most definitely attend the show.

Blind Guardian means more than this holiday. At least to me. =)
Hopefully i will be spending Thanksgiving with BLIND TURKEY!!!!! no really hopefully i will be spending thanksgiving with some awesome members of the US ARMY, who are away from Home and can't get home for Thanksgiving, plus hopefully the, I hope New singer for NIGHTWISH and her Husband and son will be here, along with Gonzo and Rachel.