Any plans to tour?

That would be awesome... I have a friend who saw Enchant at Nearfest over the summer and he said it was the best live performance he has ever seen. I would love to see the live interpretations of beautiful songs like "My Everafter" and "Follow The Sun".

We do not have anything set as of yet. We would like nothing more than to support BOAE and J9oD10 but it is not that easy unfortunatly. The biggest roadblock is not having anyone that has been able to step up and fill this open Keyboard spot. Of course there are other issues as well like $$$$$$$ tours are very expensive. However we are discussing many options at the moment and really want to play some shows hear in the states if possible this year. The likely scenario will be early next year for the US and Europe again!

Soundscape, I remember meeting Ed at a gig we played in Fremont opening for FW, he is a really cool guy. I remember talking with him before the show. Where is he now?

PMF thanks for the post we actually did play FTS and it was one of the better performances, and will probably remain in the set. My Ever After would be very tough to pull off due to the insane keyboard solo Phil somehow played? but that would be pretty cool.

Ed, as for Ed Roth I wish I knew. I only noted that from watching the APSOG video and reading it on the Island In The Stream Website. Maybe it would be worth emailing the webmaster there and I dunno, but anything I can do to help. I totally loved the NF performance aside from the fact the set was a bit short. The chance to see you guys again live would be a huge treat.

Kyle (formerly known as "Mr.AnnieHaslam")
Originally posted by ebass

The biggest roadblock is not having anyone that has been able to step up and fill this open Keyboard spot. Of course there are other issues as well like $$$$$$$ tours are very expensive. However we are discussing many options at the moment and really want to play some shows hear in the states if possible this year.

I think It's time we figured out a way to bring you guys to Salt Lake City....

Originally posted by ebass
we played in Fremont opening for FW

yup.....drove allllll the way out there for that one! It was an excellent gig, and well worth every minuet of it! So I think it's your guys's turn to drive alllllllll the way out here to play!

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
Hey Dustin

Thats pretty cool you would make the trip all the way out for that one! It was a good gig and a great crowd that night!

Hey SLC is actually not out of the question at all? We are currently trying to set up a Western of Mid Western type of short tour like ten days out type of deal? We shall see? We are trying to make it happen! It is not easy!

Originally posted by Dustin
I think It's time we figured out a way to bring you guys to Salt Lake City....

Damn straight. :D How about that Rush show last month, btw? :)

Hell, I wouldn't mind trying out for the keyboard slot if:
a) I lived in California, and...
b) Considered myself a keyboard player. :)

I've had too many people complain to me that I need to drop the bass and focus on keys, but I love playing it too much.
Don,t drop the Bass Korgman. The keys are great but damn difficult! Too many patches for me!@ I would need two more hands!

Hey I think you had said you made a long trip down as well, so mucho thanks for that!

Hey Rush was simply incredible! I saw them last Tuesday and I am still shaking my head!
Guys! Don't forget the East Coast. You have fans on the right coast too! LOL

Perhaps Geddy wouldn't mind moonlighting after their tour is complete...That man is crazy. One hand on the bass, the other working 2, 3 Keyboards....

You guys ever talk about perhaps doing a RUSH cover? Maybe ANALOG KID, or NATURAL SCIENCE....
We are hoping to head back that way as well, which is not as easy. We loved it back there in June. Even with that humidity that takes your breath away!

We have covered Tom Sawyer Red Barchetta and a few others for fun with our alter ego cover band around five years ago! I think we actually did Tom Sawyer on tour in europe with Jadis a few nights as well? back in 93? for the hell of it?
Originally posted by ebass
Don,t drop the Bass Korgman. The keys are great but damn difficult! Too many patches for me!@ I would need two more hands!

Aw, it's not that bad, but then, I've played piano since I was 5 years old. hehehe. Going to high school and bandseeking in the 90's, though, made me shy away from the idea of playing keyboards when it became the norm for bands to either be anti-keyboard snobs or make the keyboard player sit and play from backstage (like the poor guy for Van Halen!). So, I taught myself how to play guitar, was offered a spot in a local band as the bass player, and ever since, I've made it my goal to make bass a lead instrument. ;)

In the end, I love just playing a "rhythm" instrument. There's something more challenging about laying the foundation for a song while, at the same time, adding to its composition than just pounding on a musical typewriter. :)

Still, I keep up my guitar and piano chops. I see no reason to be exclusive, but I just feel the most comfortable on my 6-string boomstick. :)