Plans for east coast maidens?

shadow walker

Sep 11, 2003
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i told some metal heads at work to round up troops, that ive been on this website rapping to some awesome metal folks that seem to be just like us here in PA, i mean its weird how much alot of us have in common, music,movies taste in hobbies i mean its so cool that Mini Murray asked me about hunting and gave her feedback on the topic..way cool and that all the members seem so cool to party with, but they all ask when iron maidens is comming and all i get is soon, you guys gotta give me more then that...sheez! winter, spring, summer????? come on here! I got some old maiden fans from back in the powerslave days that want to plan a night out and rock with the maidens!
waiting. :yell:
well thanks for the info and i hope you get here soon. but you know i have been thinking of buying a plane ticket and catching some beach time as well as a classic maiden show....hummmmm ROAD TRIP! :Spin:
I called several friends on the East coast and told them to check out Creeping Death. They did at a couple of their shows back East and said that CD rocked.
Discounting a few cliches here and there, mostly out of CD's controll, they said the shows were really good! I will have to catch them when they get back to Cali.