Plasma or LCD?


Jan 11, 2004
Denzel, WA.
I got an Xbox360, and I only have basic cable. I want a flat pannel HDTV to connect my Cable, Xbox360, and my PC.

I'll primarily be playing games and watching movies on it. I would like at LEAST 720p, preferably 1080p (1920x1080).

I hear Plasma is much brighter of a picture, and it looks to me like LCDs get the higher resolutions.

Im looking for something in the 32 - 42 inch range, and preferably under 1500 dollars (which i know is low). Any recomendations?
LCD is higher quality, but because of that, you will pay more.

Plasma screens tend to have afterimage degredation after prolonged use of the same images (hence games). Also, viewed from an angle, Plasma screens will fade to black, while LCD remain visible.
LCD has limitations on screen size so its quality is relative. Also LCD has the exact same problem with image degredation and if left at a still screen can become stained by it. Also LCD is usually terrible for gaming as it doesn't have a fast enough seek time so you'll lag behind horribly in most games that require any type of reaction
LCD has better Quality but less clarity from angels we've got 42 inch LCD's and plasma screans for an system Plasma doesn't bugger your eyes around like LCD preferrably i'd go plasma