Platinum Live

Agreed. Top notch awesomeness. Was my first time seeing the Maidens and had a blast! That club was a trip. I thought I saw a few of the Charolettes from 22 Acacia Avenue. I'm not talking about the fair Maidens of course! Can't wait for the next show.
Yeah, this Platinum Live club is freaking BAD ASS!!! I was totally blown away by their killer sound system. This was probably one of the best sounding clubs I've ever heard... and I've been to a lot. Both Led Zepagain and the Iron Maidens sounded amazing because of it. The surround sound was bitchin... especially when Zeppagain used the Theramin during Dazed and Confuesed where it seemd the sound was just swirling around the club in a circle. And when Jen would hit the long vocal notes, the echo would kick in towards the end and send it through the back speakers. It sounded really cool. It's a really nice up-scale club too. Everybody should support this club so we can have more of our bands play there.

As for the Maidens, great show. Good song choice (Caught Somewhere in Time, Killers, the Clairvoint). Wanda seems to have improved her stage presence as well with all the running around and holding the bass over her head. She even fell off the stage at one point (ouch!). Cool Eddies. The guitars sounded killer. Drums were tight. Great job ladies!