April Etheral said:
Just come to Glasgow to see them ^^
Its only a fifty minute flight for you!
Imagine how much it costs them for that...and to only do one night as well, no offence but its a bit of a waste of money

i did go to the gig in london meanfiddler on the 6th september but it would be great for them to play here cause there my favourite band and the metal scene in n.ireland is shit, a band of opeths calibur would be a breath of fresh air and provw to people that there is music of sophistication and complexity that exsists in that genre
Khayman666 said:
Is there one at all? All I've seen so far was a bunch of kids wearing black and standing out front of Belfast city hall ...

i stand corrected, your right there is no metal scene, just a bunch of kids wearing black:(
pretty pathetic by any standards