Play the ProgPower USA Ultimate Roster Fantasy Game

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Friday ($30)
1) Sabaton - $9
2) Angra - $6
3) Angel Dust - $3
4) Seventh Wonder - $6
5) Tad Morose - $5
6) Theocracy - $1

Saturday ($30)
1) Weapons Of Mass Destruction - $9
2) Brainstorm - $6
3) Circus Maximus - $6
4) Circle II Circle - $4
5) Savage Circus - $3
6) Pyramaze - $2

Savings is for suckas. I had to bump Angel Dust up a bit to improve the flow between bands, but they have the material to handle it. I get Zak, Jon, Urban, and Lance behind the mic and managed to only use bands I would really be happy to see. I was tempted to put in one band I can't stand that everyone else seems to love, as they were relatively affordable, but the only real concession was slotting Angra and Seventh Wonder where they were instead of the other way around. I started with the headliners, which were non-negotiable, so I'll have to live with only seeing Nightwish in LA.

Sabaton 9
Fates Warning 10
Brainstorm 6
Amaranthe 3
Manticora 3
Pathosray 1


Blind Guardian 10
Forbidden 4
Seventh Wonder 6
Diablo Swing Orchestra 4
Above Symmetry 2
Sinbreed 2

no savings.

In general, I based the list on the following factors, in no particular order:

Internet buzz, the way I see it;
Whether the band is still active (there are a shitload of defunct bands on that list, and most of them would not draw well with a reunion);
Whether the band has recently released music;
Past ProgPower attendee favorites;
Not starting or ending the night with a prog band;
Playing it safe in terms of "oddball" bands, yet preserving a certain level of variety.

I admit I know very little about album and show sales figures, so it's hard to say whether I think this is a sell-able lineup. There are a number of my own favorite bands I wanted in this list, but I took them out because most of what I listen to is 3+ years old by now and probably rates low on the sales charts.

If we were doing this five years from now, I would probably list a Jag Panzer reunion. :)
Blind Guardian - $10
Pain of Salvation - $8
Ark - $5
Amaranthe - $3
Jag Panzer - $2
Borealis - $1

Weapons of Mass Destruction - $9
Angra - $6
Firewind - $5
Leprous - $4
Voyager - $5
Wuthering Heights - $2

Total Savings: $0
Total Draw: Over 9000

Edit: I purposefully did not include Nightwish as they can sell out Center Stage by themselves on a regular tour stop and, as shown by the upcoming CA show, people will pay flat out retarded amounts of money to see them and them alone.
6. Gamma Ray $9
5. Pain of Salvation $8
4. Nocturnal Rites $8
3. Jag Panzer $2
2. Leprous $4
1. Haken $2

6. Weapons of Mass Destruction $9
5. Angra $6
4. Pagans Mind $7
3. Andromeda $3
2. Into Eternity $1
1. Borealis $1

Now this was fun as hell.

Nightwish (10)
Vanden Plas (9)
Mercenary (5)
Diablo Swing Orchestra (4)
Pathosray (1)
Borealis (1)

For a 30 dollar budget, you have a Headlining Draw [Nightwish] + A Super Crowd Favorite [VP] at the top. With Mercenary you'll appeal to the death crowd, which will bring in the younger kids. You've got the weird, but super entertaining DSO for the return WTF show. Pathosray is a good prog cross over, and Borealis is just a fucking phenominal opener.


Blind Guardian (10)
Sabaton (9)
Voyager (5)
Andromeda (3)
Halcyon Way (1)
Suspyre (1)

Saturday is a bit tricky, because if we're making this the ultimate draw, then a Nightwish/Blind Guardian double night headliner would be it. Adding Sabaton to the mix will drain people, but no one is going to leave if BG is the headliner, and people will be super pumped up. However, that's a lot of "power" at the top. I don't see BG as a power metal band, but Progsnobs. So bring back Voyager. your top 3 billing bands on Saturday will be the concert rise to end all rises. Imagine Voyager leading into Sabaton leading into Blind Guardian? Wow. It also comes with a hefty pricetag. So we go bargain hunting. Andromeda is a good shot of Prog for the money, and they've got that new album to promote, and moderately cheap. That doesn't leave much room. Halcyon Way are local, so they'd have a small draw of fans wanting to see them in a large production type setting. Also cheap. Suspyre gets a fair amount of fanfare on this forum as well, and lets face it, the first band on a Saturday shouldn't be meant to sell tickets or bring people in. Being that they could do both, is bonus.

Total: $60.
Edit Price: $59, Savings $1, my math sucks.

Bands I'd have liked to include:
Iced Earth (I think if you did IE and BG you would be remiss not to do 2 DW songs, one during IE's set and one during BG's set)
Gamma Ray
Iron Savior

This is tough.
Friday Night:

Nightwish (10)
Angra (6)
Voyager (5)
Angel Dust (3)
Lanfear (2)
Balance Of Power (1)

Saturday Night:

Weapons of Mass Destruction (9)
Blind Guardian (10)
Mercenary (5)
Ark (5)
Amaranthe (3)
Theocracy (1)

Total Price: 60
Royal Hunt - $9
Labyrinth - $6
Amaranthe - $3
Voyager - $5
Wuthering Heights - $2
Balance Of Power - $1
TOTAL - $26

Nightwish - $10
Threshold - $7
Seventh Wonder - $6
Vision Divine - $4
Orphaned Land - $6
Vangough - $1
TOTAL - $34
Total Draw: Over 9000


Friday: 29
Devin Townsend - 9
Sabaton - 9
Circus Maximus - 6
Elvenking - 2
Zero Hour - 2
Theocracy - 1

Saturday: 27
Iced Earth - 10
Pagan's Mind - 7
Nightingale - 4
SUE - 3
Into Eternity - 1
Saint Daemon - 2

Savings of 4. This was tough since I also wanted to include Riverside, Silent Force, and a few others. Overall I think it is quite balanced.
Here's my entry.

1. Nightwish $10.00
2. Pagan's Mind $7.00
3. Orphaned Land $6.00
4. Nightingale $4.00
5. Into Eternity $1.00
6. Halcyon Way $1.00

1. Blind Guardian $10.00
2. Royal Hunt $9.00
3. Voyager $5.00
4. Leprous $4.00
5. Cage $1.00
6. Vangough $1.00

Total: $59
Savings: $1
Evergrey (9)
After Forever (6)
Redemption (7)
Voyager (5)
Angel Dust (3)
Borealis (1)

Gamma Ray (9)
Jorn (8)
Seventh Wonder (6)
Manticora (3)
Sinbreed (2)
Vangough (1)

Total: $60

Edit: to add total
Nightwish (10)
Redemption (7)
Tyr (7)
Seventh Wonder (6)
Sinbreed (2)
Theorcracy (1)

Blind Guardian (10)
Circus Maximus (6)
Mercenary (5)
Stormwarrior (3)
Secret Sphere (2)
Borealis (1)

Total = $60
Scary how similarly a lot of us think.

Friday: Headliner (6) to Opener(1)
6. Nightwish ($10)
5. Firewind ($5)
4. Orphaned Land ($6)
3. Pink Cream 69 ($5)
2. Wuthering Heights ($2)
1. Halcyon Way ($1)... and a steal at this price mwah hah hah

6. Helloween ($10)
5. Sabaton ($9)
4. Angra ($6)
3. Red Circuit ($2)
2. Pyramaze ($2)
1. Van Gough ($1)

Total Spent: $59, but I am sure the extra $1 will come in handy when one of the above bands screws up their hibernation or Visa process, and I have to scramble to fill with another band... and hope that the Jag Panzer boys would get back together for one show as a favor to me, the promoter...
Okay, here's mine. I probably spent too much time trying to come up with this. I think most agree that you have to have Nightwish for maximum ticket sales, so a female fronted night makes sense. So on Friday we go with:

Nightwish $10 (touring on's going to be a big album for them)
After Forever $6 (assuming Flor comes back of course!)
Delain $6 (and they are fixing to drop a new album, and they have good will from the last)
Leave's Eyes $4
Amaranthe $3 (they are a big draw this year, and will continue to gain momentum I believe)
Persephone's Dream $1.00

Saturday Night is all right for fighting....with some German Power Metal. I got to see Helloween and Gamma Ray and the encore is something I will never forget, one of the top moments in my concert going life. And the fact they did that in front of like 100 people outside of Santa Fe New Mexico just made it all the more amazing. So just imagine the encore going to all hours of the night into early sunday morning!

Helloween $10
Gamma Ray $9
Pink Cream 69 $5
Angel Dust $3 (mainly because they are one of my all time favorite bands and it kill me that I missed them. A reunion show! Come on!!!!)
Jag Panzer $2
Theocracy $1

The last two obviously aren't German, but they do play that brand of power metal to my ears.

So I guess I went the opposite of some people and tried to do theme nights instead of a good mix that we usually get at ProgPower in hopes this will bring in a wide variety of ticket buying people!

Oh, that was $30 bucks each night, also, so no money saved. But it would be a hella good show!
Sabaton $9.00
Riverside $7.00
Mystic Prophecy $5.00
Leprous $4.00
Stormwarrior $3.00
Jag Panzer $2.00

Gamma Ray $9.00
Pagan's Mind $7.00
Firewind $5.00
Forbidden $4.00
While Heaven Wept $3.00
Pyramaze $2.00

Total: $60
Primal Fear - 9
Gamma Ray - 9
Pink Cream 69 - 5
Angel Dust - 3
Haken - 2
Raintime - 1

Iced Earth - 10
Edguy - 9
Firewind - 5
Darkwater - 3
Communic - 2
Katagory V - 1


1. Blind Guardian
2. Pagan's Mind
3. Circus Maximus
4. Amaranthe
5. Jag Panzer
6. Saint Daemon


1. Nightwish
2. Seventh Wonder
3. Delain
4. DC Cooper
5. Secret Sphere
6. Theocracy

Total $59. Savings $1
1. Hammerfall 10
2. Edguy 9
3. Firewind 5
4. Circle II Circle 4
5. Mustasch 5
6. Halcyon Way 1

1. Gamma Ray 10
2. Rage 7
3. Iron Savior 3
4. Manticora 3
5. Wuthering Heights 2
6. Suspyre 1

0 savings -
what about the revamped "Rhapsody" bands or Astral Doors
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