Playing Live

Dec 28, 2005
This isn't really a SDG specific question, it's pretty general actually. But, how do you deal with nerves when you're about to play live?

Being 14 and only been playing bass for about a year, I'm not in a band or anything, but I've been playing in my school's talent shows (alone with a backing track) and I rehearsed for another one today and it was very, very nervewrecking. I was pretty much shaking. How do you deal with the nerves associated with playing music live?
DAMN YOU 14 YEARS...well, i play bass about 4 years ,played some gigs ,some serious too .Sometimes i just have fun ,sometimes drink couple beers :)
If youre well prepared theres nothin to it.Keep your min focused ,be creative ... HAVE FUN!!
Unfortunately the only real way to make it less nervewracking playing live is simply to do it more. I know this isn't very comforting, but like you said about being so nervous you were shaking, that's just gonna happen the first couple of times. It sucks, I know, but after the first three or four times you play live, you should be a lot less nervous.

Oh, and another thing you might want to consider...when you fuck up a riff on accident, which first of all (again, harsh, but only trying to help) you should come to expect, because it is going to happen here and there no matter how much you've practiced, act like nothing happened. Don't wince or look like you're pissed off or anything, jsut keep playing and do your best to find your way back to what you're supposed to be playing; people probably won't even know you fucked up. Yeah, I know, "But it wasn't played the way it was supposed to be played!" but you shouldn't let it show it your face atleast, cause it will make your preformance seem a lot better to those in the audience if you don't. Let me give you an example...

This was a solo I played last november at my school's talent show. Before reading on further, watch that.

After just now watching that again, I counted 39 mistakes. Would you have known that if I hadn't just now told you that? Also, just fuckin' listen to the audience's reaction when I'm done playing, they didn't know either.

You're going to be nervous the first couple times no matter what, so just worry about doing your best. If you fuck up, oh well. Just keep playing.
You'll do fine.


EDIT:: Oh, right, and age has nothing to do with it either, man. I'm 15. Don't worry about it.
Travis said:
Unfortunately the only real way to make it less nervewracking playing live is simply to do it more. I know this isn't very comforting, but like you said about being so nervous you were shaking, that's just gonna happen the first couple of times. It sucks, I know, but after the first three or four times you play live, you should be a lot less nervous.

Oh, and another thing you might want to consider...when you fuck up a riff on accident, which first of all (again, harsh, but only trying to help) you should come to expect, because it is going to happen here and there no matter how much you've practiced, act like nothing happened. Don't wince or look like you're pissed off or anything, jsut keep playing and do your best to find your way back to what you're supposed to be playing; people probably won't even know you fucked up. Yeah, I know, "But it wasn't played the way it was supposed to be played!" but you shouldn't let it show it your face atleast, cause it will make your preformance seem a lot better to those in the audience if you don't. Let me give you an example...

This was a solo I played last november at my school's talent show. Before reading on further, watch that.

After just now watching that again, I counted 39 mistakes. Would you have known that if I hadn't just now told you that? Also, just fuckin' listen to the audience's reaction when I'm done playing, they didn't know either.

You're going to be nervous the first couple times no matter what, so just worry about doing your best. If you fuck up, oh well. Just keep playing.
You'll do fine.


EDIT:: Oh, right, and age has nothing to do with it either, man. I'm 15. Don't worry about it.

Was that something you wrote? That was great, man.
The solo? It was a medley of different basslines I had written for different songs in my old band, Icarus. Seeings how it was written based on and to be played under stuff the guitar players had written (plus some of it WAS just following what the guitars were), no, I didn't entirely write it, but I did write a good portion of it.

And thanks for the kind words.
Well put, Travis. You're wise beyond your years.

I myself have yet to play bass live. I've been a bedroom warrior for three years now, jamming with friends on hope is to start a band in college in Baltimore next year. :rolleyes:

That said, I have several years of acting under my belt. Although I accept mistakes I make when they are made and move on, one thing I do to get psyched and just overcome any fear is psych myself out. Just a total ego thing. Thinking how invincible you are. Pumping yourself up. And most of all, thinking positive thoughts.

But let me also say that I don't thrive off of ego, I'm quite humble :)

Let'er rip!