Playing with Marduk in Toronto...


New Metal Member
Dec 25, 2001
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The band i'm in - "Preatoria" - is playing with Marduk on Jan 19th in Toronto. and feel incredibly wierd about that. cause it just kinda happened, i'm 17, and we're opening for a metal band that i used to listen to on my computer. Brings me to say that i'm both intrigued and petrified :) but all in all, playing wiht marduk will be a experience :)
i would post some of our music here - we have a rough mix goin on right now....but i can't figure out how to post a portion of it..

and i can't really say much abotu us without either coming across as really arrogant or really arrogant in a humbled disguise :)
You may have heard me going on about the band I'm associated with - Solace Denied?

We supported Marduk at the beginning of December, they're really nice people and seemed to like the music we played :)