Please Check out Knorwood's new EP : REGARDS

The Leper

Apostles Triumph
Jul 26, 2004
Our band's, Knorwood, new EP is finally released after a long wait. Damn, it feels good, lots of crazy moments. In short, we had a crazy time, and the studio manager looked like Michael Angelo, the Ninja Turtle. Hes the man. We recorded with John the producer/Sound guy for the hardcore band Reflux (Touring with Darkest Hour next month in europe). The demo took us 7 days, with only 4 actually scheduled days, very gruesom, and almost no sleep. Lots of foul odors.
We sound like a mixture of Opeth, Darkest Hour, Children of Bodom, and many other bands. But i hope you guys give us a listen and give us some constructive criticism, id love to hear what you guys think. Keep in mind we're only 15, haha. Just for reference, On The Locust Points, Marcell Horvath does the First solo, and I, Ricky Gonzalez, do the second. Thanks for listneing and please tell us what you think.
So here it is, knorwood's new EP Regards

Sounds like Metalcore...aggressive and fast. Not bad at all.
Looks like this forum will become a promotion board for underground bands :err: