Please check this 80s metal mix before I start bouncing album tomorrow

Very analog sounding.... probably because it is. :)

Great sounds! Through my monitors the hihat is a bit sibilant but no problem if that's what you're going for. I can hear that the mix is constructed quite differently than how I would've done it but I still like it. Generally speaking I'd put low cut accordingly to all tracks and this way I can lower the bass so it doesn't have to be so loud. :) Snare is very vintage sounding. :)

Good job man!!
All good advice.
The bass player wants to be loud (big Steve Harris fan) so I may need to cut a bit of 200-300 on the bass and keep the click but reduce the space the bas is taking up.
Listening at home now I also think I took a bit too much 3-5k out of the guitars. I will get the high pass filters a bit higher and se how that goes.
I can hear the hats as too sharp too. Probably need a cut at about 7k or thereabouts.

I spent most of the day re-amping through DSL100 (left) and JCM800 (right) so this mix was to give the band an idea of how the mix would go tomorrow.
Snare is 100% natural. We tried triggering but it just sounded wrong.

Thanks again!
I like the mix. But the hihat is indeed quite loud. The vocals could use a little more reverb and delay, at least on the chorus. Also at the last chorus there a few harmonies underneath clouding up the middle, try panning them a little wider there.

Any tips on getting such a nice rattling bass?
Really like the sound of this mix, I'm a big fan of this kind of sound. I agree with the other points being said. I really like the bass guitar as it is though, it's nice and big but not too overwhelming for me, it's cool. Maybe indeed give the guitars a bit more 3-5K and reduce the hihat/overheads there to get a little less of that "metallic sound". But great job on this one! Music is awesome too.
Thanks everyone.
I am just at the studio now so will check with fresh ears.
I will post the final mix this evening.
I love this band. So great to work with a band like this.

"Any tips on getting such a nice rattling bass?"

Great player first of all. This guy is fantastic.
American P Bass to Hartke VXL bass pre to Warwick Tubepath 5 to Warwick 410 cab to MD421 to LA610 to Drawmer 1968me (LA610 to smooth sound then drawmer to add attack).
A pretty big chain with each element doing it's bit. The key is the Hartke as you can sweep focus to get what you are after and add a bit of crunch.
I have posted about it before. Best value piece of gear you can get for the studio (along with sm57)
Oh, snap! I liked first version already, but now it is polished as baby's butt!!!
I wonder if there was some chances to get one of songs for practices too, because I would love to check some of tricks I learned for Def Leppard snare recreation.
Same here, would love to practice mixing on tracks like this(Since im a HUGE fan of this kind of music and only mix EDM now days.).
Sounds killer. :)
Got the 12 songs mixed.
Wrecked today but luckily I'm off preparing a class on tracking drums for thursday.
I really enjoyed mixing this album and think it will do well.
I can't post any multis, sorry, the band have serious management who will be shopping the album to labels next week.
They already have a couple of big names interested so it should go well for them.
Thanks again for the fresh ears opinions. Made a huge difference.