Please crit my attempt

Dude this is really awesome! I love those drums and the bass. The guitars sound a bit weak (but that might be how i do it) I would push the guitars a little more to have a more "metal" sound. But this is really good man really good
Thank you!!
I was actually expecting some very harsh criticism to be honest as I find this temporary mix sounds a bit shitty ahah! I re-reamped the guitars through my EVH 5153 (what you listened to was 6505). I will mix them tonight with other arrangements, I will post again then.
Here is the current version of my mix. I actually reamped the main guitars through my 5153. Not finished yet (no automation, no vocals) but you definitely can get the idea. I did my possible to help the band and "produce" the song but the guys are 15 years old and this is their very first recording experience. Now I ask for some help to improve it or at least have comments!

Here is a mastering test on the same clip:
Hi Heabow,

the guitars are clipping in your mix (EVH1.mp3), at least on my Event 20/20 and AKG K271 headphones, which gets worse in the mastered version. Besides this: Very well done, I really like the mix. I don't know the 6505 version, but I think the guitars actually fit the style quite good in the current version.
Dunno if this is what you hear but I quite like to put a lot of tape saturation on the guitars (mpx) to add some harmonics and dirtyness and sometimes I push it a bit too much. Same goes for mastering. I will set it up slightly less. Thanks for your input man.
sounds really good. i like the drums.

edit: i think the kick is overpowering (just a little bit) and to me the overall could have a little bit more low end (maybe on the guitars?)
i love the guitar sound! sorry if i'm dumb here.. do we actually here the 5153 on the second version?

imo the cymbals were to loud in the mix, but they suddenly sound perfect in the mastered version :p
what did you do to them in the mastering stage?
Thank for listening.
Yes 5153 on both clip. On the mix version there was only TRacks Clipper to push the shit at a decent level. On the mastered version, there was VCC, Waves' SSL EQ, C4, Waves SSL Comp, MPX and TRacks clipper + PT Power Dither. But I know nothing about mastering, so I work by hear only!!!
Thanks for listening man!! I appreciate! Yes it's Sturgis snare - which I like a lot - with the real one (top & bottom)

Honestly, I don't know how it sounds really because I'm going through this kind of period I cannot do anything good at mixing. So I do something, then I redo and again... to finally be in front of a poor sounding stuff. Anyway, it's cool to have some feedback.
there are some acoustic guitars blended during the chorus right? really nice touch :). IMO the electric guitars are a little harsh or loud during the verse. sounds fine in the chorus. maybe try a LP @ 8k?
Yes I wanted to have some acoustic parts during the chorus just in case and at the end it works quite well. I find difficult to mix the verses tbh as there is no arrangements here and unfortunately there is no awesome vocal part to save the thing. I also think I put too much distortion on the guitars (they sound a bit harsh indeed). I think I'll add some keyboards just to bring some ambiance in this section. Thanks for your input ;)
I actually dig the guitar sound, even though it sounds a little "on-top" of the rest of the mix. Drums are pretty weak in my opinion, at least toms and kick. Snare sounds good to me though! I would suggest setting up a pretty big reverb on those toms to make them sound more... Well, big. And try a little parallel compression. That's what I tend to do at least. Vocals also feels a little disconnected from the rest of the mix. Overall it feels like every instrument needs more space of their own, a tad bit more seperation, then true to add some saturation/glue on the master channel!
Thanks man!

I find the drums sound okay. I put parallel comp on the toms as well as snare and kick. Also I put some tape saturation on 2buss. I agree about the separation/glue things but it seems that I cannot do better than that atm.