Mix in progress (Modern Thrash)

Seems that there is something strange with the stereo image. Sounds a bit narrow, maybe I am imagining things. Low end seems a bit heavy, I am hearing too much low end.

Minor things I think. If there is something that you have to look is for vocal processing, it has that cardboard sound, there is no body, sounds really weak. It has reverb? Maybe a room reverb? if yes, doesnt sound good at all.
Ah man, the new version sounds much better. That stereo thing was related with the whole mix being muffled, now I see. When we eq something that brings more space and life, it will result in a better stereo image and we know that we are doing something how it should.

Anyway this now really sounds like a finalized version. You improved a lot ;)
Thank you man. But I feel it's lacking of 'meat', it sounds weak as hell and the guitar tone sounds bad to me now. You know, I'm in one of these moments when I don't know how it should sound, how to improve it... I'm not sure of anything anymore. It sucks :ill:
Cant check the low end on this monitors, they arent quite trustful. You can add something between 200/250hz for some body on guitars. I will check on my headphones later.
I prefer the other one by miles. This new one sounds uber compressed and lacks air, life, clarity e.t.c

I heard in my headphones the other mix and yes you are right, low end is weak but it´s much more easy to fix than you may think.
If the source is good enough you shouldnt have a big problem in finding the balance to work the low end. The kick is good enough, now you have to work the bass low end and probably eq a little more to to glue the guitars with bass.

Now if you really think that this new one is something more appealing to you and better, I suggest you to work both mixes and send some samples to the band for them to choose. I think that might be the better way if you are struggling in the direction you want to go.
I felt a bit lost so I explored a new direction but I 100% agree with you. I returned to my previous attempt and I tried 1000 things and its getting more balanced I think. It's time to get this shit done ahah! Your help is much appreciated :kickass:
Latest one posted (with the rbass and stuff) sounds pretty darn nice!
Only thing i want to point out is that vocals are a tad thin. Bring in a bit more body in those, maybe a tiny bit of tastefull distortion? =)
The last one it´s almost there. Low end is quite nice now. Work a bit more on vocals, as I said before, add some body there to glue more with the mix. ;)
Cool :) Your comments make me feel better, I am on this mix since a good while now and I was a bit depressed tbh. You guys rock :rock: The more I work to improve my "mixing skills" the more I hear that I suck ahah! But it's a pretty common feeling when we really want to do something good I guess.
So I added some body in the vocals, they tend to be more 'in the song' now. Gotta work more on them tho: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/36870048/MixInProgress_print15.mp3
Same one but I EQd the bass so it is more sub-ish. I quite like it: https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/36870048/MixInProgress_print15BIS.mp3
My advice is, if you dont have a deadline, most of the time it´s better to take some time off, for one or two days. There is a time when we are very tired and so we lose all the focus, vision and objectivity and we fall into the endless self criticism that leads to shitty decisions and so the work becomes very unproductive.