Mix in progress... Real drums, real amps

Your guitars sound great. When I listen I find myself wanting more drum aggression and I think it has more to do with the levels. Guitars maybe just a tad overpowering in the mix but not much.
What did u do to the real snare prior to blending it with a sample? Also which sample did u use?
I sampled the real snare, top and bottom mics. Nothing fantastic in the processing really, just EQd and really compressed to get some smack. I blended them with another of my snare sample for a more ringy tone. Alone, they all sound like shit but blended and properly EQd the result makes me quite happy.
Look above for the info regarding the processing of the bass :)
Thanks for your comment. My mastering is less loud than some actual standards but if I push a bit I get nasty saturation. I'm not looking for these ultra loud mastering, I just hope it's loud enough...