Please give some opinions on this very important mix


Bad / Nationwide
Dec 12, 2005
Hey guys, these are former bandmates of mine and the drummer, a very dear friend, passed away a couple weeks ago during a performance.

Thankfully, all the drums were complete for the album I'm recording for them, as is most everything else save for a few details. This is the first time I've really been able to think about working on the mix again, because it's still kind of hard for me to listen to.

Anyway, I really want this to sound as good as I can, and I'm even considering sending this record off for a professional mastering as a gift to the band. However, I'm beating myself up over every aspect of the sound.
The guys really dug the guitars on my monitors, but on other systems I'm thinking they are maybe a little too boxy and somwhow not a good fit.
We wanted them to have a sort of interesting sound that was striking you know? Something that stood out, but how much is too much? Any opinions?

Also especially the drums. Any opinions you have about improving them.

In short, I'm hoping that some of you guys will lend an ear to help me along the way so I can give these guys what they deserve, as the meaning of this project has turned into so much more than I expected when I took it on.

Thanks in advance.

Oh yeah, there is still a missing clean guitar intro, so that's what the empty section is all about at the beginning.

edit: Link Updated with a different mix
That's terrible. I'm very sorry. I think the mix sounds good (but I'm listening on crappy speakers) I see what you mean about the guitars, but I think it's just a different effect. It doesn't sound like Andy Sneap style guitars or anything, it's very natural overall, which is great. Maybe a little "boxy" or something, but I think it works.

Again, I'm very sorry, I think you're doing him justice. :)
Thanks very much, Sinister.
Yeah, I'm obviously a huge fan of Andy's productions, but I'm not really trying to mimic them (not that I could :) ). I also can't really give a clear example of what I think the guitars should sound like, I was just going for something kind of distinct but I don't want to screw them up in the process.
The guitarist tipped me off to that approach when he told me how much he liked the guitar tone on "The Inner Circle" by Evergrey. I think the guitar tone on that album is very distinct and has a sort of organic feel to it.
As it is, there is no EQ or anything on these guitars - I just messed with the settings when mic'ing, so I feel sort of wide open for tweaking the tone.
I'm sure I'll arrive somewhere different before it's all said and done.

That being said, this whole mix will probably be softened up a bit in order to let the mastering engineer make some calls. The more I listen to it I think I'll at least push the guitars back a bit and let the drums stand out a little more.

Anyway - thanks again for the response.
hey man!
i can understand you...
i think your mix is good - it is not mastered?
if not then i think all the boomy and roomy sound will be removed with mastering!
good mix indeed
hey man!
i can understand you...
i think your mix is good - it is not mastered?
if not then i think all the boomy and roomy sound will be removed with mastering!
good mix indeed

No, it's not mastered. I guess you could say that it's pseudo-mastered in that I threw a limiter and some subtle EQ on the main buss before I mixed down this sample...but I surely don't consider that mastering. I will remove that and leave a little headroom for a proper mastering job if I go that route.

Thanks for the listen!
All I can say is, im very sorry for the loss of the guy :( However the bloody drums are great! The only thing I could possibly say is the guitars sound slightly "raw" for my liking but im sure ull have that sorted in no time! Keep up the good work!
I believe I remember first hearing the song sans the vocals. Now with vocals it sounds even better. Sort of has a black metal vibe at times, though not to strong. I second that the drums sound awesome. I wish my ears could criticize sounds better, but to me it sounds very good. The guitars might sound "boxy", but I think they fit the vibe of the song. Don't want anything "thick and fizzy". How many tracks of guitar are there? Again, dig the sound of the drums.:headbang:
Thanks alot for the comments guys.

There are 8 tracks of guitars, and that is 4 performances with each one through 2 different amps. Each track is a single 57.

I'm glad you like the drums!
Thanks alot for the comments guys.

There are 8 tracks of guitars, and that is 4 performances with each one through 2 different amps. Each track is a single 57.

I'm glad you like the drums!

this is the sound you usually get when you run two amps at once
it creates a weird phase problem (yeah even with an a/b box)

its not very noticeable, its subtle, but its there and it takes over
this is the sound you usually get when you run two amps at once
it creates a weird phase problem (yeah even with an a/b box)

its not very noticeable, its subtle, but its there and it takes over

Yeah, I'm definitely aware of the phase wierdness. I thought about using only one amp for each performance to get rid of it, but I actually rather liked how it sounded at first. The more I listen to it the less I like it though.
I think I noticed a "chunkier" difference in the guitars. Very good stuff. While listening to it, I forgot what I listening to and though it was Amon Amarth for a mintue.
it sounds good. maybe a little more snare in the mix? at least more attack and presence for the snare??? snare sounds far away.

the guitars sound very good. what kind of amps were these? are the pickups emgs?
it sounds good. maybe a little more snare in the mix? at least more attack and presence for the snare??? snare sounds far away.

the guitars sound very good. what kind of amps were these? are the pickups emgs?

Thanks guys

The amps were a 5150 II and a Marshall JCM900.

The guitar was a Jackson Soloist with a Seymour Duncan JB. I used a MXR Wylde Overdrive in front of both amps.
Hey guys, these are former bandmates of mine and the drummer, a very dear friend, passed away a couple weeks ago during a performance.
sorry to hear. if it isn't too hard for you could you tell me what happened? they all died at once during a perfomance?
it's a sad story, reminds a bit of what happened to great white
sorry to hear. if it isn't too hard for you could you tell me what happened? they all died at once during a perfomance?
it's a sad story, reminds a bit of what happened to great white

No, no, I'm sorry if my wording was unclear. It was the drummer who passed away.
He died of natural causes. He had a patassium deficiency and a history of seizures. He seized during the show, passed out and his heart stopped. They never revived him.
Sounds great man:headbang: didnt know Carl that well but rocked a few shows with him and he was always cool as hell!!! R.I.P man