Please help me to find "Dinner With Anthrax" script!


Your favourite Czech
Feb 5, 2002
I´ve been searching for this Married With Children episode script through google and haven´t found anything. I´m sure it´s somewhere on the net, so if you know the link, please, be so kind and post it. I saw the episode two times, and I just want to enjoy the script in English. Thanx!
I tried looking also. All I can find is just the general information for that episode. Like at this site:

I did find one place that claims to have it (they misnamed the episode 'My Dinner with Anthrax'), but they want to sell it to you for $10.

Sorry I couldn't find it for ya.

Here's a cool pic of Frank and Marcy from one of those sites.
Unfortunately, that's the way the internet is much longer can we get something for nothing? More and more sites are going to turn to a pay site, or resort to advertising, including pop-ups (remember EZBoard? :Puke: )

As for the strap-on comment :lol: I think you may be right...Frank's looking pretty uncomfortable :lol:
My favorite quote from it BTW, is Danny´s answer to Mercy, something like (I know it in my language, in English it might be different): "Yeah, and he´s rapper, she´s genius and we enjoy being here!"