Please help me with this tone...


May 28, 2010
Check out the riff at the very beginning of this song that is panned to one side...The guy who posted it said his guitars are dual tracked and hard panned.

Now check out 2 different presets from my Axe-FX also panned to that side.

Here is my "test 2" tone in centered:

Notice how the one in the song sounds amazing and mine just sound way too far to the side or something and have no life? What the hell can I do to get my guitar to sound that good panned to the side? Every single preset that I pan to the side like that ends up having that quality to it, so I know it can't be the guitar and amp has got to be a mixing/EQing thing...right? I think the centered guitar sounds fine, but it completely falls apart when I pan it...
Mind sending me your .wav files? I'll have a try at panning them, EQ and a bit of mastering which that track will have.

The LOG sounds ok, yours is near it just a little bit quiet with some hissing.
Yea, you can actually just right click on my links and do "save file as." I would love to know what you can do to mine to make them sound like they do in that song...

edit: here are 2 guitar takes on the same riff incase you wanted to try to dual tracking them...

these are just raw, straight from Axe-FX II into reaper.

Here are another pair of guitar tracks, using a different preset and a different guitar.

and here is a 3rd set of different guitar tones...not really like the lamb of god, but just curious what is possible with it since I love this tone...

Which one works better? Everyone else reading...feel free to grab them and try mixing them to sound good too...just tell me how you did it!