PLEASE rate my final Deathcore mix!!!

Sep 19, 2006
hey guys I'm doing an EP for my friends Oceano and this is my final mix. Please let me know what I need to fix! I'm having trouble because everything is kind of muddy, I've used what I know for EQ but I know a lot of you guys know a lot more than I do so I really need your help.

When the track is played quietly, everything can be heard pretty well, but the louder I turn up the volume the more noise I get.

I want as much advice as possible please so take a listen and let me know what you guys think!!

Thanks so much

(p.s. i also laid down the drum tracks for this recording haha) Track: Romulous
Sounds pretty good. You must be from the Chicago area; maybe the northwest suburbs. I have heard of Oceano quite often.

Edit: Actually I heard the intro and I couldn't get the song to load for some reason.
haha yeah i recently quit cuz theyre getting signed to Earache Records and I'm going to college next year. Thanks bud
brutal. i like it. the "cleaner" (non growly) vox are hard to hear, but from what i can hear, it sounds good! what was the guitar amp?