please rate my mix (metal foundry, SSD, LSD,AXE-FX, noob inside)


Feb 18, 2008
hey guys,

i've been working on this mix for two days now.
my ears won't do it anymore, i need a break...:kickass:

bass and guitars are killing me, just can't find a good balance.
guitars sound very piercing also but as soon as i do anything
on the eq it starts to sound muddy and!?

any ideas how i can improve this!?




I really like the clean stuff, sound-, style- and songwise!
Rhythms dont sound too great for me...kick also sounds very SD2ish...
snare sounds a bit "eindimensional" to me, although the crack it has it coo...maybe blend another sampe with more body to it?
really nice song dude!
thanks a lot for the feedback man!:kickass:

you're right on the drums, there is definitively something missin
i will try to add some more samples to the bd/snare.
glad you like the track! :)

thanks a lot man, glad you like it! :)

the axe fx preset is just a simple amp/cab combination, everything else was done in cubase.
i'll upload the axe preset and explain what i did uin cubase asap!

thanks a lot for the feedback man!:kickass:

you're right on the drums, there is definitively something missin
i will try to add some more samples to the bd/snare.
glad you like the track! :)


The snare just needs to be brighter and needs a stereo verb to make it sound more three dimensional. Hell it may not even need eq if you got a bright stereo reverb going on it. And you can probably make it glue a bit better to the mix by giving it come parallel compression.

As much as I love guitars with low mids (I am always told in my mixes that the low mids are over the top) but god damn, ease up on those mids at least a little. I could feel the bass but not hear it, definitely bring it up to plant the root of the music down to a foundation. Other than that, sick mix, for calling yourself a noob (other than being a regular poster around here) your mix is better than most of real noobs around here.
thanks a lot fot listening! :)
the only reverb i own is cubase 5 internal reverence,
i did add some of it, maybe it sound more glued now.

i tried to amke the guitars a little bit heavier,
i re recorded the bass, the clean guitars and some fills completely.
i think it sounds tighter now.

here's the second version, dropbox is not workling again so
i just have the speedyshare link atm. looking for my own webspace soon.


guitars are better now but still very mid heavy in a strange way imo
only one clean guitar also sounds good
theres a lot of clipping going on in the whole mix
Dude, the cleans are amazing!!

Would you mind sharing how you treated the clean guitars in Cubase?
clipping, seems like i fucked up the export, turned up the volume too much.
you're also right on the "mid heavy" thing,
theres some strange piercing frequencies i can't get rid of -.-

thanks a lot man! :)
here's a rar folder with two screenshots on how i processed the clean guitars.
first one is the stereo track, the second one is the FX_track. mixed them almost 50/50.
it contains also the axe-fx patch "Slammer88" wanted to have! :)

clean guitar settings

EQ's only do so much! If you don't have a decent sound in the first place you got something wrong. Try recording with a diffrent guitar? set up?

how do you edit your guitars?
funny thig is, the guitar sounds really good for my taste when i play it and
record metal using the same guitar tone, seems like it does just not work for this tune.
guess i'll have to rerecord everything :(
