Please rate my new mix

Just done a mix for a local band. They recorded somewhere else, but weren't happy with the results so I offered to remix for free. The guitars took a lot of work to get them where they are, and I'm still not too happy with them. Let us know what you think. The band is called Lost Without A Soul, if you search them on myspace you can hear some original mixes of theirs.


Exhibit 306

Yeah, maybe try compressing the snare with higher attack and higher release to get it a bit more snappier, like a: ~15ms r: ~100ms. And maybe cut around 200hz´ish. Anyway it´s got a pretty good punch and it sounds pretty natural, I like it.

The guitars sound a bit "boxy" to me... Anyway that´s pretty close to a standard Sverige metal sound i guess :)

Pretty cool man, keep up the good work!