please rate my song!!!!

gabriel g.

Sep 7, 2006
I have no idea about ftp stuff so I upload the song at but please take the time to download it.

I recorded all the stuff, produced it and mixed and pre-mastered it.
It´s for my bands new ep which hopefully becomes a bigger deal then our debut;)

So please give me some tips to make it better then it is.
the setup: macbook pro, cubase 4.1, waves platinum native

everything recorded with my mackie onyx 1640 firewire.
Mics for drum audixX, sennheiser, shure and rhode and mxl for high-hat.
No amp simulations. Recorded with two amps. First one engl thunder standard. Second engl thunder signature (about 10years old)
Marshall 4x12 v30 (the good old one)
Two mic technic (fredman I think) with sennheiser e606 and sm57

Guitars are ibanez sz with dimebucker and ibanez signature (slipknot) with emg 81
Bass is warwick amp and ibanez bass.

so sorry for the yousendit link but I had no other options.
So please take the time!!!

cheers and thanks

ps: vocals will be recorded next week
This sounds very good man !

I noticed a few things though :

- from 0'12/0'13 on there is some stuff going on with the low frenquencies... as if you suddenly pushed the bass fader at that moment in your DAW/on your mix console. (IT soudns better from this moment on than before).

-when there is this tom beat going on (around 0'25 for example) the toms sound a little thin/clicky, they lack of body a little bit. Not a majour issue though.

-You called the file "deathcore" ... i'm sorry but i hardly hear any death metal in your stuff... for me it's just metalcore... (your stuff is quite good compared to most of the bands in this genre). I know labels on music are kinda nonsense but if you have to put one on your music i hate when one says it's "hardcore" when it has nothing to do with hardcore (in France we used to have crappy nu-metal bands that labelled themselves as "hardcore"... then i'm not surprised to hear metal kids piss on "hardcore" :) ) or when they say it's "death metal" when it has just a few retarded chugga chugga B-string mosh parts in their music.

No offense though.

p.s: it would have been interesting not to give any details on the guitar amps used and let's see what everybody would say about the guitar tone and guess the amp... I think many people would have say other amps (let's say 5150 or whatever) but no ENGL Thunder... I don't "love" the guitar tone here but i think it sounds very good.
thanks for the reply!!!

I worked with the bass a bit and I think now it works better in the mix.
Same for the tomes. A little less reverb works great;)

And the title "deathcore" is only the studio working title.
And yeah we are a straight metalcore band!!! but this song has the most deathish style so we named it as working title deathcore;)

And to compare the thunder with the 5150 come very close.
At first I wanted the 5150 but then I played the thunder and I thought, why spending 800 euro more...
Hey that sounds pretty cool. I have never played an ENGL Thunder amp, but apparently I need to check one out.
thanks for the reply!!!

I worked with the bass a bit and I think now it works better in the mix.
Same for the tomes. A little less reverb works great;)

And the title "deathcore" is only the studio working title.
And yeah we are a straight metalcore band!!! but this song has the most deathish style so we named it as working title deathcore;)

And to compare the thunder with the 5150 come very close.
At first I wanted the 5150 but then I played the thunder and I thought, why spending 800 euro more...

Alrighty then.