is this mix good enough for comercial release?

The song itself is pretty decent...kinda lost me at the breakdown though. Do you have a mix with vocals in it? I could be wrong but the actually mix seems like it's clipping or distorted a little.
yeah it distortes a little in the punk parts (when the drummer is hitting the standtom with the snare together) but it is no digital clipping (everything is under -0.2 dBfs)
Tomorrow we start tracking vocals, and I promise I´ll upload some versions with vocals soon!!!

I dont master this by myself. Andrew Wade is going to do that job.

I only wanted to push the song at a comercial level to hear how it works compared to other productions.
I think it's the drums that are a too boomy, I can definitely hear the clipping on the part you say gabriel. mix is too loud in general, should leave that to the mastering engineer. But it ain't bad, I like it.

I feel it needs a bit more bass and less bass in the guitars. And I'm a total sucker for the bass locking in with the kick in those parts like the one just before the fast drums, where the drums does two or three stops, I hear no bass on those parts and it drives me nut to not hear it. Why did the bassist not do those quick stops with the drums?
sounds like rbass is on the bass and needs to be removed o_0 if it's not then i'd say tame that 80-140 range in the bass. the mastering engineer can help a little, but agreeing with the other guys, too much beef on the bottom. do some car tests and home stereo tests, this happens to me too if i mix in nothing but my RP5s.
every single lead note can be heard perfectly fine. while nearly all of the rhythm sounds buried and cloudy. good start though.

i did enjoy your beatdown tonetest before post some moar! (with drum files if possible please).
Yeah thanks for the tips!!!!

I´ll post the finished mix in the near future (with gangshouts and vocals...)

The low end is clearly a problem of my "master" .

I only pushed the mix very hard the the waves api-comp to get the industrie level.

Next version I´ll post will only be glued together with a limiter (but not that hot)

Yup, a tad too much low-end. Guitars could use a little more bite.
Sounds like you used reverb on the hihats/oh. I'd personally never do that.
Correct me if I'm wrong.
I hear digital clipping in parts. I think you need to cut a bit of the mids in the guitars. The kick has too much low end. It sounds pretty good to me though!