Please take a listen and rate the mix

Which mix is better?

  • Onqel1stMix

    Votes: 4 80.0%
  • OnqelLatestMix

    Votes: 1 20.0%

  • Total voters


Feb 11, 2007
Frisco, CA
This is my bands first song and we were lucky enough to have Onqel mix it!!

Guitars are Jackson EMG 81 DI's tracked with radial jdi
Bass is a Fender Precision into a Great River DI
Strings are East West Gold
Drums are MIDI Superior 2

Please rate which mix you guys like more. And any feedback would be helpful!! (and be easy on the vox lol, I have only been singing about 3 months, and this is the first song I have sang)

Follow the link to both songs...
PodFarm, Bass is a combination of Dirthead's clean channel and Izotope trash.

The levels needs some adjustment on the last mix, the poweramp for my monitors just gives me the left channel so I'm stuck with the headphones:\
I personally think the song itself is very good, and would sound awsome with reamped guitars :P
Everything sounds much more together on the first mix. I like the guitar sound much more. It sounds more aggressive. On the latest mix the vocals stick out a little too much in my opinion. They both sound good though I just like the first one more.
Thanks! If anyone has any negative feedback or what could be better let us know otherwise I am reamping the tracks (5150 and Mesa) this weekend and we will repost when done.:kickass:

Great...can't wait to hear it! My ONLY beef with the mix is the group shouts. They sound a little weak to me. Personally, I think if you're going to have group could be thicker. If you can't be bothered to record more...try running what you have through Clone Ensemble. Used subtley, it can be very effective. But, that's all just my opinion...and it's your song, not mine. Otherwise, I think it's great sounding, and exactly the kind of stuff I'm listening to at the moment.
Here's a new mix.. I'm tonedeaf at the moment so I need some input.. I had clarity in mind this time, but the levels should maybe get adjusted a little to make everything sit together..
I'm having a hard time getting the vocals to fit right.. so if anyone can give me a tip or two I'd be happy ;) The snare is maybe not the best choice, and a little quiet in the mix :P
Oh, and the guitartracks on this version are reamped by Guitarhack :P (EQ'd a little to make it fit though)

Here it is,

Please, give me some comments so I can try to finish this.. I think you guys will say I have to try to go for same sound as the first mix.. :P
Just my 2 cents here and my 2 cents is like Mr Sneaps ass-pennies.

I'm hearing some occasional 'crackles' but it doesn't sound like the mix would be clipping. Maybe it's the synth track?

The guitars sound a little more defined in the guitarhack version but they still seem kinda compressed and lifeless ( ie/ No punch/picking dynamics ).

I'd add something to the high end of the bass just to make it a little more pronounced.

Considering the way you recorded it it's a great sounding tune.

I'm definitely liking this EWQL SO Gold you and Dandelium are using too. Very nice articulation/staccato.
Those guitars have some not-so-nice top-end fizz in there. Listening back to the reamped tracks it is definitely my fault and not yours. :) I would be happy to redo them tomorrow. Let me know.
Thanks Onqel! and thank guys for the feedback. Guitarhack if thats cool... yeah I would love if you could give it one more go!! Thanks so much!:rock: Let me know if you see anything wrong with the playing or Di's at all? I've got a pretty decent chain of emg 81 into radial jdi peaking at -3.
The mix sounds pretty good for the most part
although the guitars still sound a little bit weak even in the latest mix
and if you still can you should retrack the yelling parts
place a condenser about 10 feet away from you and a couple of friends and yell like there's no tomorrow!!!
Do this about 5 times and then pan accordingly
But otherwise it's a super catchy mix!
Very interested in future songs from your band:)
I have just done them now and they are uploading to the same folder as last time. They have much more meat now and a little less fizz. Should be up in around 15 mins.
Here's what I came up with using Ableton Live 7, Revalver MKII and some Diezel cab impulses I had. This was a rush job and it's about 5AM and I'm just now getting ready to go to bed. Anyway...

I turned the gain down a bit for the sake of clarity and put a lot more mids in it. I'd probably turn it down more for my own stuff but I was trying to get near the gain levels GuitarHack had.
Here's the Revalver setup for the Left side.

Here's the Revalver setup for the Right side.

In my own ghetto fashion I used 2 cab impulses on each of the four tracks. Even though the tracks are mono I used a Diezel V30 SM57 6505 Power Amp panned hard left and Diezel V30 SM57 Soldano HR Power Amp panned hard right. That's just habit at this point. Clearly not too effective to pan them.

The wavs I got seemed a little lifeless. Maybe it's because it's EMG's, maybe the DI box is just cold and flat hell if I know. Maybe they're supposed to sound like that. It seems as though the DI's were HP filtered because no amount of turning up the bass gave me any change. In a mix though I don't think this would sound bad but I think I'd add more.

Bare in mind that GuitarHack and the other guys here are much more experienced and knowledgable so they probably have good reason for things the way they do them. Everyone here is pretty much better at anything I do. It was cool playing with the tracks though. Thanks for letting me toy with them. Hope you dig my version somewhat. I can export all the actual wavs if you actually like them at all. There's more I'd like to do to them but again, I've been up all night and I'm hit.

I just realized there may be some redundant power amp involved since I used heads and the impulses were run thru amps. I'll toy with just preamps tomorrow.

Oh yeah, the wav file is still uploading so I'll post that ASAP... Suck it.

Teh lenk
Thanks everyone! Guitarhack I'm downloading now..thanks for going out of your way yet again! Hopefully we'll get a mix up with these new ones...I think I'm going to start quad tracking the rest of my songs

Sean thanks for the tip! Yeah we are still going to track the choruses..get about 4 of us and just stand way back.
Hey, just listened to the remix with guitarhack's reamping. The guitars sound much better. The whole mix is a big step closer to that Within Temptation/After Forever sound (with a male singer instead, of course!). I personally find the snare to be a little too bright and the vocals a little too dry for this kind of mix, but that's highly subjective. Like I said, this is great stuff! Sort of like symphonic metal meets Galactic Cowboys. I really dig this and I'm waiting to hear more. :)