My band started working on a new album! Please rate!

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
Hey y'all!

Sooooo... me and my band have been recording some stuff over the weekend and I'm really excited about how it's comming out...

This is the first (rough) mix of Child of Perfection, an older song re-recorded:

Gear Used
Addictive Drums demo
LTD F-205 w/EMG 40-HZ's
LTD EC-500 w/EMG 81 & 60
POD xt (stock, no packs installed... yet!)
some 12-string acoustic (don't remember details, lol)
some Audio Technica condenser mic

I'd like if you guys could drop some comments on the production. I'd appreciate it if you could be very specific and don't fear being harsh. I really want this thing to come out good so any comment is welcome! Please comment on the music too if you'd like

BTW... there are some parts that are still incomplete because I haven't got ahold of the full version of addictive drums... that is my next acquisition, tho, so the pre-chorus is gonna have a real ride bell, not just some lame hi-hat bell hits, lol.

Thanks for listening!
Your singers voice is great! I would like more gain on the guitars.. Sounds overall very Killswitch alike ;)
Man can you change your nickname cuz' everytime i see it i'm like "fuck ! Rex from Pantera/Down is posting on this forum !" :)

I hear some good riffs in there (but can't stand the pre-chorus part or something... reminds me of the stuff i hate in KsE).
thanks dudes! yeah, definitely more gain is in order!

well... lol, I'm a bassist and a Pantera fanboy, not much to say about that one...