yet another melodic one from me! POD xt + Addictive Drums

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
listen here

soooo this weekend, my guitarrist and I recorded this new song we wrote alongside our drummer! I played bass, some guitar and, with the aid of my drummer, programed the beat...

so anyway, I'd like to know your opinions both music and recording-wise!

in case anyone's interested, gear used to record this was

LTD Ex-351
LTD F-205
Line 6 POD xt for both bass and guitars (no model packs installed)
Addictive Drums demo for drums
Macbook with Garageband

thanks for listening! :)
thanks, man!

I'm concerned about the guitars sounding just a tad too POD-ish and not realistic enough, what do you think about them?
Dude... you totally nailed the sound of a demo-recording of a bunch of friends :D

And they tracked a Mesa Dual Rec and a Mesa Triaxis with an Engl Poweramp (both through a Mesa 4x12-cab). ... POD-sound ... tzzzhh :D
wow... lol, well, that's awesome!

I really want to try something new with my POD right now, but my laptop crapped out on me... right now, both guitars are using the same POD patch... I want to try running them with a different patch each... wonder if it will sound better...

besides that... I'm dying to get my hands on a POD X3... the clips I've heard of it have all bean beastly!
Seems like you rolled off too much high end on the gits there. The drums could use some velocity editing too. ;)

But overall I'm digging it.
hey, i loved it AWSOME song man! guitars sound pretty nice, a little raw, but that's cool, and they're believable (though i'm no expert, i use a podxt too:p)
as for the drums, i like them, but i really didn't pay that much attention... i was headbangin' the whole time:rock:
Seems like you rolled off too much high end on the gits there. The drums could use some velocity editing too. ;)

But overall I'm digging it.
thanks dude!.... umm... soo you think the guitars have too much or too little high end? didn't quite get that...

awesome avatar, BTW!

and thanks a bunch, kostikas! :)
sure! um... they are both the same patch (dual-tracked, I guess you'd say... there are two guitar tracks), one panned 75% right, one panned 75% left, both have a lopass(at 12kHz, I think) and a hipass (sorry, can't really check at what frequency right now since my macbook is undergoing some repairs)... and, um... that's about it...
you think? as far as I had understood, the algorithms for the models were somewhat updated, as well as the USB connectivity enhanced...
thanks man!

welll, I don't really know where to upload it since the forum FTP isn't working... sooo, I can PM you a screenshot! if you've got any doubt on it, PM me back! :)
The PODx3 has the same tones of the PODxt! The difference is that now you have some pre and bass models of Gearbox and can run two different setups at the same time.

But the PODx3 has better AD/DA converters and better processor, so it sounds better anyway. I wouldn't buy it for that though if I owned a PODxt. My 2 cent.