New clip! Melodic stuff with POD + Addictive drums... please comment!

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007

ok... this is an old song I had forgotten about until a few days ago that I checked my own soundclick... so I re-took it and almost finished it... but it seems I wasn't inspired enough to finish it, anyway... here it is what I've got... I did some minor tweaks to my POD tone ever since my last clip and tweaked my Addictive Drums as well to get more of a DFH-ish tone... what do you think?

thanks for listening! :)
nice guitar tone and awesome snare tone! can u share some details about AD settings?
song composition is also outstanding!

yeah, man... I haven't figured out how to export my settings as a file (I don't know if I can, I'm still running the demo), but I posted a screenshot of how I've got my snare tweaked in the other thread, I'll post it again... I can send you the preset too if you tell me how to make a file with my preset :) (that's the screenshot It's the Sonor Designer snare with a higher pitch, compession, crunch distortion, emphasized uper mic and some heavy midboosting)

I don't have an updated pic of the rest of the kit... but there's not much to it... the kick is the Sonor as well, tweaked pretty much like the snare except this one's EQ'd midscooped instead
thanks man! yeah, I did spend a lot of time with Addictive Drums... I still have to fix the hi-hats, tho... they sound paper-thin...
Are you on a Mac?

Go to <user>/Library/Application Support/Addictive Drums/User Presets

...and then share it!!! :D

I'm pretty sure on Windows the folder is calles User Presets, too. Just search for it...
yeah, I just found out how to export... I don't know how to use the forum FTP, tho... if you'd care to explain, I'd be more than happy to share! :)
Sure ... Check that Sticky-Thread ... there is everything you need, I guess ;)

Can't wait for the preset!

I'm still gettint together "my" preset. But I'm still not really pleased with the kick and the snare lacks a bit of character. Maybe I learn something from your ideas.
Update (012908) - I've decided to close off FTP access for now, leaving only the web front end open. I am working on the next version of this service and will keep everyone posted.

um... seems the FTP's not working... PM me your e-mail and I can e-mail it to you if you're interested :)
I thought that was awesome. It seemed like the guitar tone kinda of lacked sustain, but maybe you meant it like that.

The drums sounded ace and I thought the writing was cool too. Good job.
I thought that was awesome. It seemed like the guitar tone kinda of lacked sustain, but maybe you meant it like that.

The drums sounded ace and I thought the writing was cool too. Good job.
thank you! yeah, man, no.... it's the guitar.... it's my cheap-ass Epiphone... I'm aiming at an upgrade hopefully soon enough...

Wow you did that in Garageband!
yeah, with addictive drums for drums and POD XT for guitar and bass... I've used the GB amp models before and thought they were OK, but do not compare to the Line6 tone at all... I have some clips of my old stuff available if you're interested
@the pros
Another noob-question by JoeJackson:
Aren't you supposed to get into trouble with boosting such an amount mids especially on the kick?

In the few minutes I could check out RexRockers preset it seemed, that the whole mix got a bit muddy and not well balanced.

Nevertheless the Preset just rocks!!!
well in my mix it does work, but now that you mention it, the EQ on my AD does look VERY noobish with everything boosted and all, lol... I think it does work for me, tho...