In Flames cover - GarageBand, Addictive Drums and POD xt

Rex Rocker

Call me Hugo!
Dec 21, 2007
Please comment! :D

So I was bored and wanted to check out the synths in GarageBand, this is what I came up with... it's a cover of a song by In Flames, please leave me comments/suggestions about my playing/singing/tone/whatever! No bass on this one, I'm afraid... I haven't dialed in a tone that I like for bass with my POD yet, but soon I'll be getting the Bass Expansion pack! Oh, BTW, I tweaked the snare on Addictive Drums and I'm liking much more what I'm getting!

BTW, Drop A# was a bit too low for me to record quickly, so I played it in Drop D, I'm afraid :o

Thanks for listening
It's good man! But at 24 seconds it goes completely silent for a second, you might wanna take a look at that :P
Cool cover!

The silence at 0:24 is very progressive, i like it...
The vocals have a lot of reverb on them no? i think they could be more direct then they are now.
yeah, the silence might be because I'm running the demo version for Izotone Ozone... I'm a little cheap lol

Thanks for the comments... yeah, I'm thinking I overdid the reverb a little, I'm gonna look into that Bob, thanks!