Great Pod xt tone..

Sorry guys Ive been away tracking a band the past couple days. If you really think its that good i definitely will post the patch for you. Thanks for the feedback guys.....
that pretty damn good... what area of the spectrum did you find the nasty line6 fizz?

i find it shows up in different spots depending on the piece of gear used... but its generally in the same area...

Ive been fighting the fizz like crazy and it seems like i cut some fizz then i boost fizz some where else. I would have to look again at my post eq and see were I cut and boosted things on this sample.

Kind of a broad question, but where do you usually cut and boost things on a pod to cut fizz and keep highs sounding good personally??
I think its an awesome sound. I've been pretty down on my PODxt lately but this tone is fucking sweet!
Dude, we need that piznatch and a screenshot of the post processing like Palin needs to be shot!

Jesus broken81, that tone was amazing!

Quadtracked or not???, do you remember the post eq settings by the way?!?!

Aweseome tone!!!