New riffs for my next album. Please rate it!

Erik Monsonis

Nov 18, 2006
Mexico City

I've been recording some riffs to test my new sound. Guitars have been recorded with an Ibanez SA160 with EMG 81 at bridge into my Line6 Toneport UX1, Harley Benton impulses, Steinberg FreeFilter, Waves C4 w/Andy-based settings and Waves LinEq Broadband. Quadtracked. 2 tracks panned 100%LR and the other 2, 75%LR

Drums are EZ Drummer (pop-rock set), really processed.

Bass is Broomstick bass linked to 2 channels, in one of wich I used a Hi-Pass filter, TLS Saturated Driver and Ampeg 8x10 cabinet impulse. The other channel has only been compressed and left a clean signal.

Here's the link:

I need advice on the low frequencies, cause I'm getting some trouble to find the right amount of them (mixing with headphones, no other way possible)

Sounds pretty awesome except for the crappy mp3 quality kills it. i don't care for the xylophone sounding keys in the first half but I love the orchestra stuff in the 2nd half. Is it hardware or software?
Suena muy modernete pero cojonudo, ese bajo tiene un toque de fondo así macarra que me gusta mucho. Las guitarras igual suenan demasiado "oscuras". Me cuesta comparar mis sonidos de guitarra con la gente de este foro ya que yo voy afinado en RE y cambia totalmente.
Es instrumental el disco?
what's steinberg freefilter? Is it like the voxengo curve eq or something? What about the lin eq? I like the tone and riffs. It's really heavy and massive. Cool stuff.
Thanks to everybody!!

The xilophone synth is Sytrus (FL Studio)
The orchestras are made with EastWest Symphonic Orchestra Silver.

Freefilter=CurveEQ ;)

Line Eq is a normal graphic equalizer, but I like the low-pass and hi-pass filters it has, they can be absolutely accurate.
what curve eq file did you use on the guitars? ALso, did you use it pre impulse or post? Could you upload whatever soundfile you used to make the curve eq?
The orchestras are made with EastWest Symphonic Orchestra Silver.

If you could be so kind, would you share which instruments you used to create that sound and how many were used?
I'd like to experiment with it but am not sure how to go about it other than starting with violins I guess.
When you use the eastwest VSTi do you have to load a separate instance of it for each instrument or do you use multiple instruments in the same one? I tried to find a way but I couldn't. I havent used it in a while though so maybe I should just check the manual or something. I would imagine there is a way because a separate instance for each instrument would be ridiculous.
Freefilter does not support exporting curves, sorry...

I matched my modded Framus Cobra head

I can't remember which instruments I used. There were only violins, the "UpDown whatever" and the "whatever gold" LOL. Sorry guys, I'm not in my recording computer, so I can't check it.

I used multiple instruments, via the FL Studio "MIDI Out channel", so, I could trigger them independently...

Thanks again for the replies!!