Please take this quick metal survey!


Jul 19, 2002
Las Vegas
Hello all- I need your valuable input. I am trying to settle a 'quality control' discussion with a local concert promoter. I'd be grateful to anyone who will simply scan the list below, and let me know via e-mail or post how many of these bands you've even heard of, and how much you'd pay to see this lineup in a 3-day festival format if it were hosted in your hometown. Please be brutally honest! This was the actual lineup of a 'metal' show that took place a couple years ago in a city I'll not disclose.... haha. Thanks for your input! You may e-mail me direct at:


Mad Margritt
Agent Steel

Erotic Suicide
Town Cryer XXI
Lazy Jane
The Szuters
Mad Margritt (again!)
Steel Prophet
Jag Panzer

John Taglieri
Robin Brock
Ken Tamplin
The Promise
New Eden
Picture Perfect
Swirl (again)
Michael Morales
Vicious Rumors
I only recognize these:

Jag Panzer
Steel Prophet
Agent Steel

And possibly these:

Vicous Rumors

I wouldn't pay to see that lineup. If doesn't look very interesting, but that's because I don't know very many of them. And the ones I do know, I don't like.
Isn't Ken Tamplin the wannabe x=ian version of David Coverdale? :D

If the ticket price wasn't too high I would pay to see these...

Jag Panzer
Steel Prophet
Agent Steel
Vicous Rumors

but some good old classic thrash would make it way better.
yeah, i know a similar amount of bands there ..
to be honest, just because of what i know of those bands i know, i would probably pay about £0.12 to go to this show, and would spend the entire time at the bar, might give out flyers, thats as far as i would go for it!!! .. sorry, not my cuppa at all!!

quite a mad topic/thread/question though!!
Agent Steel
Steel Prophet
Jag Panzer
thats about all.......
of course there is probably alot of talent there i havent heard...