15 posts all in the OT-section... i guess in your case it doesent matter if someone judge the post-count or the contet
just joking man
Given the Documentary i just watched before i made this thread, i thought it was appripriate to use a very un-clever play on words there.
i will give you that, as of YET i have contributed NO worthwhile comments to this forum whatsoever. But that is mainly do to this forum having a very odd layout compared to others i have frequented. (or you can call it my in-ability to work a standard keyboard and mouce ...whichever you prefer)
btw Can anyone direct me to the location i can post my original tracks in?
I make a thread like this in every forum i start using to see if its a forum i want to be a part of, (guage the user's responses etc.) i got HUGE amounts of flak for it on SSO, but like a dumbass i decided i wanted to be part of their community. bad decision on my part
and honestly so far i have recieved far less flack than when i was a double digit poster on Sevenstring....the world revolves around rep over there...no rep=not worth their time really (i even remember one of the mods telling me most users there wont even recognize my post as a valid post till my count is over 500, or iff my little green rep blocks are more than 4 lol. which for me took almost a year to do cause i DONT devote my life to the forums lol)
at least here you guys are willing to talk and NOT take offense to a thread that over there probably would have got me banned lol
and no...not butt-hurt, i was really asking a serious question...have you guys EVER found a forum where the MAJORITY of users dont take another user's post count as a direct realation to their worth to the forum? because i havnt found that place yet...even in the counter-culture Weed forums i frequent, where you think everyone would be all happy and get along and not give 2 shits about rep....rep is STILL the currency of the website (grasscity, rollitup, etc.)
btw PROPS TO ULTIMATE METAL!!!!!!!!! SOOOOOOOOOO MUCH MORE USEABLE INFO HERE than on SSO, i cant believe i never joined up here sooner
btw i dont have to ask any stupid questions
, im semi establiashed
making decent quality mixes, using NON CRACKED LEGIT(lulz) cubase
And i dont have to ask any stupid questions about a pod, because i will NEVER own a pod to ask questions about lol.
Noobs will generally prove themselves to be noobs... 'How do I get that Sturgis pod tone', 'I have a cracked Cubase and Waves bundle, I can mix your album cheap' etc and so on... So it's a bit of an indicator too.
Permission to use as sig quote
, i havn't lol'd that hard in a good while...i needed it