Please welcome the Google LucasArts Motorola Droid R2-D2 by Verizon Wireless™

I'm on Sprint (FML) and they don't have any cool phones... been playing with my Palm for a while, and my WorldPhone (switches to GSM when I'm in Europe, CDMA when I'm in the US) but I need a new phone!! PRONTO.

How's the HTC?
If you'd like to get an Android phone (which is IMO the best choice among smartphones) you should consider if you need a hardware keyboard. If that's the case, than the new Droid 2 from Motorola is a good choice. If you're content with "just" a touchscreen, then I'd choose the new Samsung Galaxy S because their AMOLED display technology is quite awesome. Super defined while also saving more battery compared to LCD displays. HTC have with the EVO 4G also a neat phone in their current line-up.

Those phones are all rather big though, if you'd like a phone that's almost a tablet in size, the Dell Streak is a cool alternative.

If you want a really cool looking and small phone, than I'd say grab a Sony Ericsson Xperia 10 mini/mini pro (with keyboard).

I recently checked out the Samsung Wave with their BADA OS and while I liked it and it's cheaper than the Androphones, you won't find as many Apps available.

And finally, if you like to be patronized and take form over function.... get an iPhone. ;)
I can't believe Lucas was able to trademark the name Droid. And I also can't believe that they didn't know that before they named the phone. It must have all been worked out before hand with Lucas.
I'm on Sprint (FML) and they don't have any cool phones... been playing with my Palm for a while, and my WorldPhone (switches to GSM when I'm in Europe, CDMA when I'm in the US) but I need a new phone!! PRONTO.

How's the HTC?

No cool phones?!

I have the Samsung Moment (Sprint!) which by now is old news but I LOVE LOVE LOVE Android and this phone is great.

BUT - New Hotness = Samsung Epic, coming to Sprint on August 31st. You can pre-order now. Its the Sprint version of the Samsung Galaxy S phones that were already mentioned in an earlier post.

Not only are the Samsung Galaxy S phones the best available on all major (US) carriers, SPRINT has the best of the 4!

I would stab another human being for a Samsung Epic... oh yeah, and Sprint RAWKS :headbang:
I'm curious about it (as a Star Wars fan, not as someone who might buy one), but that site is far too obnoxious for me to bother trying to navigate.