Plugin to visualize the waveform/peaks in realtime (like GCLip)?


Jan 17, 2011
Many times I put Gclips on my project just to check how a plugin is affecting the dynamics of a track, because it has that little preview window that draws the peaks in realtime (see below).


I´m wondering if there´s any plugin built specific for this task, or that at least does a better job at it, as the Gclip windows is pretty small and doesn´t provide any more info. Thanks.
Check out schwa Schope. Fantastic for this sort of thing, you can do lots of cool things with it like freezing the display or adjusting the zoom and stuff as well.

Looks great, not only for this task but to balance multiple audio tracks too. I will try it right away and probably buy it. Thanks for the quick reply : )

I wish more dynamic plugins used this kind of visual feedback. Much easier to set the threshold and see what it is doing.
I saw a youtube review of FabFilter Pro-L and it does this. Also looks like a great master limiter.

$229 :erk:
But the visual feedback does look great, specially the gain reduction in red.

Anyway, Schope already did the trick, and I think I´m 100% satisfied with TLs Maximizer for master limiting.

Still amazes me how TLs smokes any brickwall limiter when it´s time for insane RMS.
Why are you mixing with your eyes?

Because its helpful sometimes.

Does anyone know how to use schope with cubase because I can't figure it out for the life of me it needs a sidechain input to work but that only works for vst3 plugs and when I use the old quadro-group work around shit corrupts my project....