POD HD Pro First Test - Constance


Carlos Rosa
Jul 26, 2010
Puerto Rico
Just got my POD HD Pro yesterday and recorded this riff from the band The Devil Wears Prada, just to test it out.


http://dl.dropbox.com/u/9799371/Constance POD HD Pro.mp3
Has a bit of a nasal sound if you ask me
What amps did Adam use on the album, actually?
I remember seeing a Splawn on the studio diary, but they use 6534+s and Rockerverb MKIIs live now and it sounds very similar to the album tone (least they did in February when I saw them).
hey good tone. What model did you use? Sounds like the fireball with the 57 off axis. Could you share the patch? I recently got a pod hd myself.