POD MetalPack - Triple Recto & 5150MKII model


Sep 24, 2008
This is first clip I post to this forums.
Thanks for all your guides, they helped me a lot. As you see the file name, it's 28th version. I tried, re-tried many times. I'm not afraid of negative feedbacks. All of them are welcome. :) Drum is EZD with EZX-DFH. Kick is replaced with Brain kick which Bob posted here (thanks for great samples, Bob :d).

The original song played in C tunning, my version is in standard E tunning.

2nd link:

Rhythm and Melodic guitar all used 5150 model (ms Criminal) through a Mesa 4x12 Cab.

I dont have monitor (I'm out of money now after bought a new guitar T_T recently) so I mixed this clip through my cheap music headphone and test the mix via my stereo system. :loco:

I still cannot get a good sounding kick in the whole mix. In the mix, the kick sound blurry and I can hear a nasty noise ( I guessed it came from the hihat mic or room mic) but when drums go with thought anything, the kick's more clean (listen to about 3 last seconds of clip). Snare is awful, too T_T. Is it too dry?

And the link below is my very short test with Triple Recto model (no bass, Drum is a simple loop from Line6 Riffworks 2 as a metronome only).


I didn't EQ or apply LP/HP Filter. Just a very raw tone with a little volume boost at final process.

Thank you for reading. Hope to see your feedbacks! :loco:

PODxt Patches:
Here they are:
5150II Model: I didn't remember exactly which is the patch I used for recording, so I put all 3 similar patches into a .rar file. Sorry for my short memory T_T.

- Triple Recto Model: when I take this clip with recto model, I did some EQ (for more clarity) and Compress (not much) + HP/LP, so you can try out and tweak until you feel good: Without Comp, it may be quite weak.
Hope to see your clip.
good sound man!:D:D
could i ask you a question about recording?

when i record with my pod i connect pod with only usb to my pc and my guitar records are a bit tightened and compressed, why?
look this:

your guitar sound is direct and hard...how do you record with pod???
i dont get to solve this problem for a long time...
I did the same way: USB Direct recording with no impulse. I dont have any good quality sound card >.<, I used onboard sound on my laptop.
Did you compress at high ratio on POD (Ex: use Red/blue/vetta comp...)? I didn't apply any compressor, EQ, reverb, gate... on POD. Because I knew I would do it when mixing with higher quality plugins. Your tone is very cool. ;)
I did the same way: USB Direct recording with no impulse. I dont have any good quality sound card >.<, I used onboard sound on my laptop.
Did you compress at high ratio on POD (Ex: use Red/blue/vetta comp...)? I didn't apply any compressor, EQ, reverb, gate... on POD. Because I knew I would do it when mixing with higher quality plugins. Your tone is very cool. ;)

i make that too...USB direct recording with pod impulses too...
i connect my pod with usb and record directly...
i like my tone, yes...but it´s compressed and i dont know reason...:(

my preset:
gate -> -37 thresh, 0 decay
stomp -> screamer -> drive 12, gain 76, tone 63
diamond plate with 4x12 treadplate and 67 condenser and byp vol 58, room 8
bass 77, mid 69, treble 82, pres 79, drive 62, vol 79.

when i play sound is direct, hard, nearly but when i record sound is compressed like in record that i sent to you.

i need help!!!!!
Can you post/share your PODXT settings please mate? I would love to try out those 2 patches! :)

Here they are:
5150II Model: I didn't remember exactly which is the patch I used for recording, so I put all 3 similar patches into a .rar file. Sorry for my short memory T_T.

- Triple Recto: when I take this clip with recto model, I did some EQ (for more clarity) and Compress (not much) + HP/LP, so you can try out and tweak until you feel good: :) Without Comp, it may be quite weak.
Hope to see your clip. ;)