Pod screen flashing, MOTU flashing and speakers making noises. Computer or power??

Jul 7, 2009

I need this fixed ASAP. In the middle of mixing a full length. Basically, I was tracking yesterday and these crazy spikes and pops were happening even if the vocalist wasn't holding the microphone. SM7B, been using it for a year or two. I thought maybe the issue was the microphone, but even with the mic unplugged my speakers (BX8a) were making this weird thumping noise real quietly. I looked at my MOTU Ultralite and the screen was slightly flickering.

I figured it was the firewire cable or my computer being really hot or it's firewire port going out or something since that could have been a power issue with the firewire, but during mixing today my Pod, which is powered off of my power conditioner (Furman M-8x2), started flickering on its screen as well. That is connected USB but doesn't run off the computer's power. The MOTU and speakers are fine though.

I don't know what's going on. Because if it was the power conditioner, it wouldn't be charging my computer or my speakers would be making that weird noise or at least the light would be flickering like the Pod, but it's not. My computer's screen is being powered off the power conditioner as well and it is, and has been (even during the major issues with noises and stuff yesterday that were caused by the MOTU) completely fine. And if it was the firewire cable, that wouldn't affect that Pod in any way.

Any help???? AHHHHHHHH!!

Thanks guys,

Here's the thing though, running from my computer the MOTU shouldn't have had that problem, nor my speakers or anything. That's what I don't get.
Ok had this problem for ever actually I found out that even the tv on in the other room can cause this you need a power conditioner. and get one fast because before i new it my monitors couldn't handle the on off flickering eventually one day I turned on my fan and the tweeters blew from the pop. everything must be on the conditioner all of it. with out it you will have surges in power on everything including the ac current moving to give you phantom power to your mic.
long story short no pro coverage for my bx5as.
So I plugged my Pod into my surge protector yesterday rather than the power conditioner and it still flickers. What's the issue then??
Mains power would be my guess. Stick a meter on the outlet. Most "power conditioners" just have a resistor to suppress noise but do nothing to deal with serious voltage issues that aren't spikes.