
Everything Serves The Moment - Dust in the Wind

I hate your smile
you seem to think we are similar
Look at me fool
we do not share a thing worth mentioning
Dust in the wind
All you are is dust in the wind

I have evolved
now I stand above your small concerns
From my realm
I see you acting as a clueless animal
Dust in the wind
All you are is dust in the wind

Don't look up
I don't want to share my throne with anyone
Stay in sight
I need to watch you animals to feed my pride
Dust in the Wind
All I am is dust in the wind
siderea said:
zupi pupi send me your address

what will you do if i don't?

hey, do you know anything about this place/boat? Brussels, Belgium, Venue - Ric's Boat (Last Boat to Lardossa)
donate those cd's to charity

and well i know about that what i've just been googling
i'll ask around though who might be going
sounds special though, promising?
Yellow belly custard
green snot pie
all mixed together
with a dead dogs eye
slap it on a butty
nice and thick
and swill it down
with a cup of cold sick :)