Polish band Never with Angela Grossow!! CHECK IT OU!!!

are you sure it's not The Unavoidable ^ who is singing?


Thanx for the info man!
sorry for the mistake in angelas surname!!! its Gossow!!

nie moge juz poprawic tytulu tematu - sory za bezsensowny blad...
I watched the photos and theres really something disturbing in that Jar Jar guys unibrows and the sheer size of the headstock of that guitar on the right!


Just to compare:

But I listened to the music, and it really wasn't anything special, I even got bored before the halfway of the song. Definately not on my must-buy list.
Call me jealous, and yes.. call me jealous, but i'm frustrated with the top 5 polish metal acts creating 10293123 bazylion side-projects, who instantly get record and endorsment deals.

And don't like the music neither :heh:

Now i'm off back to my dark tomb, flyyyyy :zombie::ill:
It reminds me alot of Sceptic which is a very good thing. It's not surprising as Jacek Hiro is with them. I will definitely check out their album, good stuff!