Polish president dead in plane crash

He wasn't too popular here, but he was a pretty harmless and nice guy, shame... Along with him many important politicans, army generals and church representatives died on that crash.

It's a tragedy on an interpersonal level, no question.

But I never had much sympathy for him (and his brother) on a political level. His populist anti-German and anti-Russian course was pretty much uncalled for, if not ungrateful (considering Germany's supportive role in Poland's EU entry).

Harbouring fear and distrust just to strengthen one's own political status is just... lame... for lack of a better word. Anywhere it's happening.

Also quite interesting how he changed that course once those countries' support was very much welcomed again.

I'm not surprised that his popularity among the Polish shrunk constantly. If it wasn't for that tragedy, the guy would have probably ended as a rather unimportant footnote in Poland's/Europe's history.

But all political aside:

My condolences to the Polish people!

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