Lohan to get jailed

What really gets me is how surprised and shocked she is to actually receive sentencing. These aren't minor misdemeanors anymore...she deserves every last day in jail. And none of this, "I was busy/out of the country" BS for missing out on court mandated session with rehab or counselling. She knew what she had to do and blew it off anyway.
Saw her "family" whining off on Larry King as if she was the chick in Iran waiting to be stoned to death for adultery... Obnoxious people.
I highly doubt she'll spend more than a week....maybe two weeks max in jail. She has the benefit of having good lawyers...somehow..with money from somewhere :lol:

I'd probably say yes. At least she doesnt have a scar on her gut or is missing teef.
I highly doubt she'll spend more than a week....maybe two weeks max in jail. She has the benefit of having good lawyers...somehow..with money from somewhere :lol:

This article:

She'll have her own private cell in segregation, and she will be protected. It won't be easy, but she won't be put in general population. Lohan will likely only serve 25 percent of her 90-day stretch due to severe overcrowding in L.A. County jails...

This isn't new but it still sucks that our legal system is so so much more severe for the poor and middle class than the rich (not that I have a better idea).