POLL: sickest Death riff?


running with the hunted
May 8, 2002
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yeah i know this is james site but c'mon... like chuck and james dont hand in hand. :)

- 3m03s into The Flesh and the Power it Holds... the riff where christy is just raging on the double bass and accenting the snares with the riff. the riff is a individually picked rung out powerchord and the second time through its harominzed. that thing basically slaughters as much as the intro the Human with the rungout haromonized lazer chords. the only intro that is better is "blackened" on and justice for all. sure these are both simple but something about them is just hilarious and "majestic" sounding. haha

there ways more i could obviously list but i cant stop listening to that thing. the drums make it so awesome. the other one on the record i cant stop listening to is on track 3 (2m02s into the song) where it cuts out and christy goes into that awesome drum beat with the bass. then comes in the patented Chuck lazer harominzed riff. pffff basically murder
Originally posted by NecromancerAlpha
metallica is no where near death im sorry.
It's an unfair comparison. I find them both equally great to listen to. Metallica just cashed in and Death didn't.

As for Fav riff...thats an impossible question. From SBG to ITP there are just way too many.
yeah well when Metallica figures out how to "Necromance" maybe they will be cool again. to say and justice for all is a weak record really shows some top quality listening skills.

"oh yeah, them songs are writte crappy"
and the last death record havin 8 minute songs that repeat the same riffs 14 times isnt. yeah.
I think that one of my favorite riffs, it's the one at Lack Of Comprehension, the part of "Right Before your very eyes...a reflection of the mistakes..." it's something great......everything stops, just Chuck's guitar, and then Sean Reinert enter with that amazing drumming
It's great
Perennial Quest & Lack of Comprehension have my favorite riffs.