

Pro Evolution Fucker
Apr 18, 2006
Basque Country
No, it is not a death metal new band...

4 months ago, my nose specialist told me I have polypus in both nostrils.
It's a bit annoying and uncomfortable, because when I am in pubs with smoke or myself smoking, polypus grow and I can't breath very well. Also when I catch a cold, they grow.

Yesterday I got some ultrasound and also appeared some polypus in my gall-bladder. Tomorrow I'm going to the doctor with the ultrasound pics and he will tell me what to do.

Any of you had polypus in nostrils? Is surgery a solution or it does not worth at all? Painful? Easy?
And what about gall-bladder polypus? Any experience?
"polyps" Jevil ;)

Otherwise it sounds too close to platypus which I would never want in my nose :D

all kidding aside, a buddy of mine had polyps in his nose and had them removed, he said it wasn't such a big deal but I also don't know to what extent he, or you, have them. As for the gall-bladder, don't know much about that but worse case scenario ... you don't need that thing anyway ;)
Polypus for the win Carlitos!

Noun 1. polypus - a small vascular growth on the surface of a mucous membrane :p

Ok ok you KINDA got me there Jevito ;)

never heard the word "polypus" before but upon looking it up it seems it is actually just another word for "polyps" ;)

polyp [ˈpɒlɪp]
2. (Medicine / Pathology) Also called polypus Pathol a small vascularized growth arising from the surface of a mucous membrane, having a rounded base or a stalklike projection
[C16 polip, from French polype nasal polyp, from Latin pōlypus sea animal, nasal polyp, from Greek polupous having many feet]
polypous , polypoid adj

Sooooo ... "polypus" for the TIE :rock:
My mom had polyps/polypus many years ago, when any surgery in spain was practiced with a sword and a rope.
All she told me was that she's fine now ( she had them in the throat)

So, as we're on a international forum ( and we know the cliches), all I can say is "aren't you from bilbao? have eggs!" :lol:

Don't worry about it, todays surgery is usually great :)
So, as we're on a international forum ( and we know the cliches), all I can say is "aren't you from bilbao? have eggs!" :lol:

Hahahaha, I'm not afraid of surgery, not a matter of balls, it is just that I've been told that once you are surgered they can reproduce again.

If I finally get my whole body polyps removed, you all are invited to a polyp barbecue!