Pomona show!!!

Bubba Smith

New Metal Member
May 14, 2009
Anyone going to the glasshouse in Pomona tomorrow night who lives in or around the SGV area that can give me a ride? I'm without a car at the moment.
If ur down to throw in on gas i could probably give ya a ride im in the Walnut area tho. Cant leave a fellow metal head behind!
This was a really special Opeth show. The venue is quite small and intimate, and Opeth played a very unique set. They played Karma for the first time ever live with a crazy transition into Hessian Peel, they played Closure with really psychedelic King Crimson style jamming that extended the song to nearly ten minutes in length, and they played The Night and Silent Water, which was the first time I had seem them play it live since the Chronology show in Los Angeles. A very rare and special gig indeed.
I found a video, but the quality could be better. I was at the show, amazing performance as always. Although I honestly believed when he was introducing Karma (never been played before, practiced, hard to play live) I was hoping for Harlequin Forest.

Anyways, it was a great song to see live.

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Thanks for the video! I hope they play this at the NYC show, i'd take Karma over Leper and Wreath any day. Axe killed it on the drums, it sounded awesome live.
Sucks they can't just play all three of those and toss out inferior tracks like Godhead's Lament...
I remember most of it, but it's probably not in the correct order.

Heir Apparent
Ghost of Perdition
Godhead's Lament
Hessian Peel
The Night and the Silent Water
The Lotus Eater
Demon of the Fall

..and the audience also got to sing along some verses of Harvest. Wish they played the whole song.
I remember most of it, but it's probably not in the correct order.

Heir Apparent
Ghost of Perdition
Godhead's Lament
Hessian Peel
The Night and the Silent Water
The Lotus Eater
Demon of the Fall

..and the audience also got to sing along some verses of Harvest. Wish they played the whole song.

thank you :) i always have trouble remembering exact sets (and their order)-- maybe i should bring a pen and start writing them on my arm lol

and yeah, i was hoping that "Harvest" would begin as a sing-along, and then they would finish it off themselves...but whatever, it was still cool
It was a special show indeed. Best sound I've ever heard at the Glasshouse. Bass gave us a little solo... and Axe simply killed that night. The best example for me personally of why he was the best choice as Lopez's replacement. Like a fucking machine and yet showed great versatility during the closure jam. He's ace, EOD.
Incredible show guys! :headbang: :kickass: Thank you for coming to Glasshouse in the shithole that is Pomona. I also hope the pricks in the crowd didn't piss you off too much and detour you from coming back again.

Thanks again for rocking my face off.
It is of Fred and Mendes walking to get fried banana ice cream splits
enjoy if it is even enjoyable.. I was glad to see these cool down to earth Opeth members as soon as we arrived... lol they rule \m/

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