Pop / Metalcore mix, Guitars dropped to G!


Captain Midnight
Sep 22, 2005
Perth, Australia
Hey guys, been working on this mix for a little while. Mostly started doing this to test out a AKG Perception 220. The results we're pretty solid in my opinion, but hey my ears are dead and I really need some opinions on this mix!

Vocals might be a little pop sounding for the music, but I guess that's personal taste

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7270929/Ballad ozone master 2.mp3
Guitars: Ibanez SA series with replaced pick-ups -> Podfarm -> PSP vintage warmer -> little bit of EQ

Bass: Modulus VJ bass -> Podfarm -> Eden 4x12 cab impulse -> Lots of compression!

Drums -> SSD with a snare sample I made blended with I think snare 7 -> Little bit of comp on the drum bus

Vocals -> AKGPerception 220 -> Comp -> Vintage warmer with bussed reverb and delay
Keys - > ES2 on Logic -> Space designer

This was my first go at editing the guitars quite intensely so let me know if there is anything weird happening. I'm quite happy with the overall mix though I think I might have been listening to it for waaaayyy to long.

I mastered it in Ozone, quite lightly just using the maximizer and exciter, with a tiny bit of a High shelf to give it some air.

Anyway guys rip it to shreds!
you have a really good blend of levels, except for the bass, let it breath a bit more maybe lower the release time that will help to get some more thump in the track. And what kind of eq do you have on the vocals? it sounds extremely boxy to me.
Thanks for the advice guys, zack you nailed it on the vocals, they were essentially recorded in a very deadened closet. EQ wise I'm not doing a lot to it at all, I gave them a little bit of 3-4k to help them cut through a bit, but thats about it.

As for the bass, I've been having major room problems with low frequencies, and getting a lot of low rumble through my desk. I'll have some monitor stands soon though (building them with a friend), so getting the bass to sit was the hardest part. I'll try fiddling with the release time a bit, I think that actually might be the problem.

Any problems with the guitar tone?

Also this is the mix unmastered if anyone cares to listen.
http://dl.dropbox.com/u/7270929/ballad mix 3 1.mp3