Kevin Newland

New Metal Member
May 26, 2011
Hey everyone, i live in NC, just had a band come up from Alabama to track their 7 song ep with me. This is one of the songs of the record. It's the first "pop punk" mix i've done Looking for critiques on the mix. Especially tips for vocal mixing for this type of project. Thanks

http://dl.dropbox.com/u/4650518/There's No Business Like Hoe Business (Master 1).wav

Drums were recorded @ Jamie King's *PT HD2 ACCELL 192 RIG*
Kick IN: Shure SM 91 (blended with SS kick 10)
Kick Out: Beta 52
Snare Top : SM57 (Blended with JS sample)
Snare Bottom :SM 57
Tom 1 & 2: Sennheiser 904 (Blended with SS Toms)
Overs L & R :Shure SM 81's
Rooms L & R : Rhode nt 2's

Guitars & Bass are Pod Farm.
Vocals: SM 7b ---> Digi 003

So that's pretty much the stats for the record. Looking for any helpful critiques.
Sounds pretty good dude although I would use more room sound. And make the snare a bit less abrasive? Not sure what word to use best for that and a less metal kick. But off to a solid start.

Nice to see more NC'ers on here.
haha, yeah it was tracked in Jamie's basement lol.


Thanks man, i think i bumped it up too much @ 200hz. ima post a remix tomorrow. thanks for the feedback!

still looking for vocal mixing critiques, i don't feel like there sitting quite right.

Cool so here is the new mix. With the few critiques that i have received.


What i changed:
Lowered the makeup on the snare comp so as not to be so abrasive.
Sample blended the SM 91 Kick with a SS sample that wasn't quite as MET4L \m/
Brought the Overheads & Room mics up a few more db in the mix
Added about 10-15% more drive on the bass track.
Brought the vox up about 1.5 db.

My opinion this is a much better mix. Still open for rating/critiques though.

I know, of all you guys out there, one of you could guide me in the right spot for mixing these clean vox???